I tried posting with this before and it wouldn't show, which is really kind of confusing as well as annoying, since it's a really funny icon if you know where it comes from.
I've created a writing journal here for fan fiction. Don't expect sci-fi there for a while... my current West Wing fanfic is at 62,000 words or so, and likely to run to 150,000 unless I get stuck.
Dammit. Now I've got to go outside, turn around three times, and spit, and it's cold....
When I drove to work a couple of hours ago, it was drizzling, foggy, and about 35 F (2 C across the pond?)... anybody else have gross weather right now?
We're supposed to get snow later today, though. I'm hoping the change will be as painless as possible.
And for Leo McGarry. "We're gonna raise the level of public debate in this country, and let that be our legacy." And so, so many more scenes.... spoken and unspoken.
"The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight..."
Farewell, sir. May you never fall down a hole again--or if you do, only to rescue a