I really feel the need to ramble about last night's episode of Supernatural, so I'm just going to do that for a minute first... ^_~
So okay, there were a lot of things I really, really loved about this episode, so I'll talk about those things first. :D
1. Benny. Benny being happy to hear Dean's voice. Benny being willing to go back to Purgatory to save Sam, for Dean. ♥ But most importantly, Dean essentially trusting Benny's life to Sam by sending him there, and not really doubting all that much that Sam will bring Benny back. I feel like this is a really huge thing, character-wise, because a few episodes ago, I really think Dean would have assumed Sam would just kill Benny on sight, whether he was there to save him or not.
2. Sam actually not killing Benny on sight. <3 Sam's acceptance of Benny here, the fact that he was willing to try to save him, and just the understanding of Dean's relationship with Benny that came about in this episode was such a long time coming, and I really, really loved it. ;_; I've always sort of known that Sam would come around, or at least I was really really hoping he would, and that there wouldn't be an episode down the line where Sam has to kill him - which is where foreshadowing seemed to be leading us for a while, with the whole "cross that bridge" thing, so... Yeah, the way it played out here made me very happy. And I really hope Benny's not actually dead? The fact that we didn't see him die gives me hope as far as that goes. :P
3. Dean believing that Sam did all he could to save Benny before coming back. It makes sense, I guess, if he trusted Sam enough to send Benny there, that he wouldn't totally freak out when Sam comes back without Benny, but... I feel like the first half of this season has scarred me into thinking that they're just going to torture the Sam/Dean relationship forever, so I was kind of worried about that. ;) So it was a pleasant almost-surprise when they were both, you know, reasonable about it. <333
And okay, what drove me absolutely nuts about this episode was just... Well, everything else? :P Because I just can't get behind the idea that there's somehow this magically easy way into Hell that somehow Cas and the angels and RUBY didn't know about before, that just allows Sam to walk in (with not nearly enough weapons or preparation time :P) and walk back out.
To me it completely cheapens the time Dean spent in Hell, the power Cas had to use to get him out the first time, and the time Dean spent in Purgatory! XD;; And I mean, without even a throwaway line attempting to explain why it's suddenly so easy for Sam to get in and out...really annoyed me. >_> Dean, at the very least, while of course being happy that Sam has made it back, I would think might be a little confused as to how this sort of thing is possible. You know, having waited several decades for Cas to save him from Hell, and having spent a year in Purgatory trying to find a way out, it just seems like Sam walking in and out from both places within 24 hours with barely a scratch might seem a little odd. >_>
So, um, yeah. To me this is a pretty damn big plot hole that I just can't get behind.
Also, while I love Bobby to death, I'm just always a little skeptical about characters coming back like this. Even if it wasn't actually back back, and even if it was just for this one episode, I just... IDK. It's not my favorite thing ever. :P
Anyway. I'll shut up now. :D