Michigan ABCs

Dec 17, 2006 23:57

So Vikram and I have decided that Michigan will declare war on Canada, quickly win, and then move on to beat Alaska and Russia. For all the marching our troops will have to do across various frozen tundras, we wrote a happy Michigan marching tune for them to sing (after all we are the authors/Official Anthem Writers of the Empire of Michigan)...

A is for all the wars that we do
B is for battling Russians, too
C is for come on, we have a war to do
D is for Detroit, our biggest city!

E is for Elephants eating Russian prisoners of war
F is for Frosted Flakes which are very Far
G is for Gallons of tar that we throw at the Russians
H is for Hungry which is what we are after defeating the Russians!

so merry so merry so merry are we!
we are from michigan and glad to be!
sing hi derry ho derry something hum
if you dont like our song you're next on our hit list!

I is for Inuits that we plow down
J is for Jermans who like to frown
K is for Kansadians
and L is for Loopy who has a pet bird!


M is for Mooooooo! which is our war cry
N is for Nickels we throw at the sky!
O is for octopi we use to strangle Russians!
P is for Prussians


Q is for Quarters we also like to throw
R is for Rarrr which we say as we go
S is for Something that all Michiganders do
and T is for Tar which we use with Green Glue!


U is for unicorns who we like to slaughter
V is for Vikram who isn't our daughter
W is for Winter that we're still waiting for here because we haven't gotten any snoooooooooooooow
X is for Xylophones which we play as we toooooooow [a wagon]


Y is for Yuppies who we all claim to be
and Z is for Zebras who do like to ski!
our time is all up and we're through with this song
but to think of more verses it won't take you long

NOW [chorus]


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