Well after having a One on One on Wensday Night saying that I showed Alot of Potential, even towards a possible Lead position when I convert, and that I just needed to cut down the chatter a bit and focus more
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No explanation at all, Kelley apparently dosent know anything *Shocking*
Any my Sup offered me the chance to work tonight when my shift ended so I doubt she knew at all, we were discussing plans for the 2nd for my Meets.
Figure soe higher up reviewd everyones score to date on Metrics saw mine had taken a tumble *the days I was sick* figured no point in keepin ghim and tossed me
Im being good about it though, enquiring about re-hiring in the futre re applying and so on so forth, not bitter jsut hurt as there goes the wedding fund
Still no contact from anyone at eBay or Kelley services, and I don't know how to get my fucking pay. This pisses me off especially as under BC law if a company terminates you they owe you all money owing by 48hrs after your let go.
Comments 3
No explanation at all?!?!? Dood, I'd be asking your supe what the problem was...You deserve a reason, even if it's pre-conversion.
Any my Sup offered me the chance to work tonight when my shift ended so I doubt she knew at all, we were discussing plans for the 2nd for my Meets.
Figure soe higher up reviewd everyones score to date on Metrics saw mine had taken a tumble *the days I was sick* figured no point in keepin ghim and tossed me
Im being good about it though, enquiring about re-hiring in the futre re applying and so on so forth, not bitter jsut hurt as there goes the wedding fund
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