This is going to be a ranty/angsty post. I'm having a really unhappy moment and I thought I'd post how I feel because this is my journal and I can do whatever the hell I want here.
I'm really pissed obviously. This has nothing at all to do with work. I've been in a really good mood all week actually. Nothing has been able to bring me down. Until I spent about five minutes with my parents. I would say I wish that one of them would listen to what I say but really I'd take being able to finish more than half a sentence without being interrrupted seven times before I just give up. I know I don't have fascinating or groudbreaking things to say but once and awhile it'd be nice if they could just fake an interest in something, anything I showed an interest in.
I realize this nothing compared to what some people have to deal with but I fucking hate it. I feel like I get ignored a lot. I have some kind of complex where I, for some reason, think that no one wants to hear what I have to say. Anyone ever wonder why I'm so quiet sometimes just randomly? I'm really not that shy I just sometimes assume that no one will listen to me if I open my mouth. Sometimes I think it would just be better if I was mute. I just really fucking hate it that I feel like I shouldn't even bother talking when I'm with my own family because they really couldn't give a rats ass what I want to say. It only makes me more pissed off when they are suddenly surprised when I want to be no where near them after stuff like this. My mom just thinks I'm going through my teen angst now. Yes mother why would anyone be angry when they tell you something and then three days later you say they'd never mentioned it to you or when someone tries to tell you something but you interrupt to tell three different anecdotes? You're right I must be the fucking problem, it's just me being pissy.
On top of all that, it doesn't look good for Friday.