about god

Nov 01, 2009 15:05

this is a little blurb I wrote for a site called SoulPancake, which aims to get people talking about Big Questions: on tolerance, religion, creativity, and so on ( Read more... )

god, update

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Comments 6

Meep. gnosticelf November 1 2009, 21:56:40 UTC
Do you still have the coats n' cloaks I left there? The only thing that's been stopping me from coming to fetch them is lack of suitable transportation. :-/ I know it's been almost four years now since I left, but if y'all still have them, I would humbly beg you to continue storing them because I really do still want them all back. It's so frustrating. :-(

Give my regards to Gina and Ariann. And good luck tackling the housecleaning. I swear, something about that house just plain resists attempts to thoroughly clean it. >.<



Re: Meep. anamacha November 2 2009, 02:20:11 UTC
so far as I know we still have them. I don't recall ever doing anything with them.


wardellen November 2 2009, 02:24:43 UTC
Welcome back, in whatever form and frequency you are here. :)

I think there's a difference between religion and spirituality. Religion is not necessary for me, although structure helps me focus my thoughts, intents, and actions. Spirituality is an integral part of my being.


anamacha November 2 2009, 03:14:36 UTC
thanks :) We'll see how it goes. I'm posting most of my updates and suchlike on Facebook these days. I left Plurk.

Big difference, yes. I don't need religion either, though I would agree with your other two comments.


Religion don't kill people - people kill people ladytairngire November 3 2009, 17:47:30 UTC
To an extent, I disagree. Personally, you and I are similar in that our spiritual leanings are a little more individualistic - for example. However I think there is more to religion than the dumbing-down of spirituality for masses who can't think for themselves ( ... )


Re: Religion don&#39;t kill people - people kill people anamacha November 3 2009, 23:06:03 UTC
you make a good point, and I agree with it for the most part. Structure and tradition can be good things, for more reasons than the ones you mention; though the ones you do I feel painfully clear.

I myself have felt lost and adrift many times -- when I was a Roman Catholic, when I was a recovering catholic, when I was pagan, wiccan, druid. I see no end to this feeling now that I consider myself generically spiritual. I agree that this aspect of relgions are a good thing -- I just wish that brainwashing wasn't part and parcel of it.

(and in all fairness, perhaps brainwashing isn't a part of ALL relgions; but it has certainly been my own personal experience.)

Great points.


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