I just want to say! I am not Ana, but this is a ifestyle you choose to live. I do hope that you never die a slow, unhappy and alone death. I have had around five friends that were part of this group of friends here; and they all passed away already. The type of death I said above slow, alone and unhappy. They said there were no regrets to their life, but the consequences in the end, of taking over the counter drugs to suppress huger and of many other forms of looisng wieght and keeping colarbone skinny, are very hard to live with and that they wish they would have known that accepting Ana as a lifestyle was really accepting death so early in life. All of my friends (God rest their soul) ranged form the ages of 14-27). I'm not going to say seek help becaus eyou know what your doing and why you are doing it all I am going to say is that I hope you guys COME TO YOUR SENSES and start living life not to be skinny but TO BE HAPPY!!
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Love Ana
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