It makes you more alive that i could ever do.

Jan 06, 2004 22:32

So is this the part where i update about school? Yeah, its fucking school. Now i will be in a bad mood until May. Hahahahahaha. No, i really will be. It could be worse. I'm actually really pumped about my art class. Sculpting... or sculpture? I dont know. But it seems really awesome. Granted i suck at art ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

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anandita January 6 2004, 20:00:48 UTC
1 - You are that funny.
2 - Apparently you decide to ignore the 8 millions times that i've professed my love for plano, or brushed it off lightly. Basically... i'm obsessed. Hahaha. Its just so good! See you BJ!


xbobbyx January 6 2004, 22:18:30 UTC
"I quickly remembered why i hate school so much. It isnt the classes, it is the people. I swear, i hate these kids that do things because it is trendy, or cool. Or because one of their friends are doing it so they have to. I would never let some have that type of infulence over me. It is disgusting."

i'm offended. don't ever expect me to even look at you again


anandita January 7 2004, 10:44:06 UTC
umm. I hope that was a joke? Quite frankly i am scared


xbobbyx January 7 2004, 12:03:23 UTC
el oh el


anandita January 7 2004, 17:51:15 UTC
whew. How come i never see you at escuela anymore. I am so sad.


yes wifipoolmusic January 7 2004, 09:18:37 UTC
hi, i am a looser


Re: yes anandita January 7 2004, 10:43:30 UTC
update your lj. okay cool.


Re: yes wifipoolmusic January 7 2004, 12:42:41 UTC
my life is nowhere near as exciting as yours..however I try..if it was more exciting i would have more to write about, i am definatly going to start with the music reviews


Re: yes anandita January 7 2004, 17:46:20 UTC
you should do that because i would read them.


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