life's a bitch, everyone's a whore. they all suck. isn't that nice? i'm bored. i smell like popcorn. we should all go see the Ring 2 when it comes out. wouldn't that be a nice idea? have a nice day PAYSH!!!
remember this: teachers who physically assault their students shall have their souls lost in LIMBO because administering pain to pupils was abolished centuries ago. Those who still abuse their students or the students of others were born in the damn fuckin wrong ass century and their souls will be forever lost to LIMBO!!! PAYSH!!!
hey babies. i have a major headache. my dad's mad at me. for when i get mad at him when i'm still sleeping meliiq qeliiq got the student of the month award this morning and so did trevor how annoying. i want to go giraffe hunting!! wanna follow? you should! have a nice day! bye!! PAYSH!!!