Here, have some videos that've been making me happy recently...
Starting with some creepy Neil Gaiman, since I've probably misquoted his 15 Stories of Despair for a title. 15 Stories... is from Sandman: Endless Nights, btw, which I highly recommend, along with everything else he's ever written. I am nothing if not a shameless Gaiman fangirl.
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I'm also in love with his speaking voice.
Next up, robot-riding kittens!
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This reminds me of that alien army from the Hitchhiker's Guide not-trilogy - y'know the one, it got eaten by a small dog due to a misjudgement of scale. Actually, I bet if Douglas Adams was still around he'd be writing the story wherein the alien Room'ba came to Earth in peace, only to be forced into subjugation and slavery cleaning floors and providing convenient transport for small and furry pets. I would read that. But what I really want is for someone to edit this vid so that the kitties are riding around Tokyo in their flying saucer dispensing summary justice on thieves, murderers and stupid pathetic dog people. With laser cannons. Because the world would be a better, safer and much more interesting place with sky-riding kitty-police armed with lasers!
Well, one out of three ain't bad?
Sadly, I can't embed this next one. It's
two fifths of The Cab, covering Rihanna's Disturbia at one of their acoustic shows, included here because omg, you guys, Ian Crawford. I could watch him play guitar all day.
And last (but by no means least, oh no) Brendon Urie will dance for your amusement. Dance, Brendon, dance!
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It's been all over the internets, but it never ever fails to make me giggle. Better than Prozac, seriously.
Happy February, folks! ♥