Hi! How the hell are you? And can you believe it's time for yuletide already?!
First off and most importantly, thank you. You're taking time out of your busy life to write something for me, and that means a lot, so thanks! And if for some reason your life gets too busy and you need to default, I absolutely forbid you to feel bad about it. (A friend had to drop out last year and angsted for weeks about it, which is why I mention the possiblity here.) Yuletide should be all about the shiny, I hope you'll agree.
Secondly: it is HUGELY unlikely that I will get to read your story on December 25th. My mother in her infinite insanity has invited family for Christmas dinner, so there's going to be mayhem in our house that day. They're all buggering off to Tenerife the day after, when I will have peace and quiet and fic to read (and also wine and chocolate, if they leave me any that is)!
Thirdly: I blethered on at you a bit when I signed up, I know, but for ease of reference I'm going to reproduce that here.
RequestFandom1: Sandman (comic)
RequestFandomChar1: Delight/Delirium
RequestDetail1: Tell me something, anything about Delirium, whatever takes your fancy.
Suggestions: what does she do with her time, what was she like as Delight, does she get bored and if so how does she deal with that, does she ever have a significant other and what would they be like? (Heh. Imagine being *in* a relationship with Delirium. Could be interesting.) Seriously, anything - femme-slash, gen, het, kink, plot, no plot, character study, it's all good.
Ideally I'd love a story that focuses mainly on her, but any and all other characters are more than welcome if you'd like to look though their eyes. A story about someone else in which Delirium plays a critical and/or large role would also be awesome.
RequestFandom2: Ghostbusters (movie)
RequestFandomChar2: Egon Spengler/Peter Venkman/Raymond Stantz/Winston Zeddemore RequestDetail2: I'd like something about the relationships between the ghostbusters. Whether those relationships are friendship-only or something slashier is up to you (if you're feeling *really* cracky how about Venkman and/or Stantz reflecting on the harem of co-workers he/they seem to have picked up, or go for something OT4-flavoured).
Other ideas: snarky banter on the job, beng interviewed for TV, what they do on their nights off or at the office party, them going on a holiday or on a job which would require them to travel. Oooh, or you could try a fusion-type thing with The Shining - I'm willng to bet Venkman being all laconic and sarcastic in the Jack Nicholson role could be priceless.
RequestFandom3: The Shawshank Redemption
RequestFandomChar3: Andy Dufresne/Ellis Boyd aka Red Redding
RequestDetail3: I'd love to know what happens to these two after the meeting on the beach, whether they live happily ever after, if they run into any problems. That said, if you'd prefer to set the story during the events of the film I would love that also, I just can't think of any gaps in the film which cry out to be filled in at the moment. Slash or friendship, both are great.
RequestFandom4: Mulan
RequestFandomChar4: Fa Mulan aka Fa Ping
RequestDetail4: I'd really like Mulan's viewpoint on the events of the film, especially at the training camp. It was played for laughs in the film but it must have been a terrifying thing to have to do. Maybe look from her perspective at the others there, the not-really-culture shock - she's gone from preparing for marriage to preparing for war in a very short space of time. Maybe she tries to picture marriage to one of them and what her life would then be like. And what's it like to pretend to be male anyway? Does she feel more comfortable as a man? Just a few ideas - pick what if anything takes your fancy.
I cannot stress the following enough - if you already have a story you want to write, IGNORE MY RAMBLY DETAILS. Please? I would much prefer you enjoy yourself in the writing than be miserable trying to fulfill any of my requests. Also, if we matched on Ghostbusters and you can't squash all four Ghostbusters into your story, don't worry - I won't hold you to the character-matching rule.
I like all sorts of fic, in case that's not clear. While it's true that I read more slash than anything else, I do like het and gen as well (idk, maybe they're rarer in my fandoms?). I adore character studies of all ratings and genres, whether they come with plot or not, I have a not-so-secret thing for h/c and darker themes, and a liking for fluff, crack and curtain-fic. I also love bdsm and all forms of kink if you want to go there, although of course it's not necessary.
I'm fortunate in that I have no squicks or triggers of any kind, so there's nothing you need to avoid writing about.
In closing then: write whatever the hell you want to, and have fun! ♥