
Dec 12, 2012 21:36

Many of the nobles had died without any heirs. Which in Leda's opinion (and not just hers) presented a wonderful opportunity. Hence those lands were turned over to the people, with a representative chosen among them. In deference to tradition, and to make things more palatable for the more old fashioned folks, they were called Nobles.

But they were being kept a close eye on in case the title went to their heads.

Eli had gone back to Bordertown, forstalling a rant by Leda about the fact that as a "Dreamer" he was deemed by the laws of Faerie as property, and not Corwyn's heir.

Leda could have sworn she'd gotten rid of all the laws like that. Somehow that had slipped through the cracks, possibly because Dreamers were so rare, and as far as anyone knew, had no free will of their own. It was supposed that either that was bullshit, or Eli, due to his human blood, was an exception.

Corwyn's forest had been visited by the Matriarch of the Dragons on the way to Smoke's funeral and cleansed. His palace was not believed to have survived.

Faerie did not have the death penalty. Killing someone in battle was one thing but executions were abhorrent to Elves. Corwyn's policies had in fact, alienated many "Unseelie" lords and ladies, who had kept to themselves during the war.

The worst punishment for Elves, at least since the Border had appeared, was exile to Bordertown. But Leda wasn't sure she wanted to inflict those Nobles who had fully joined Corwyn on her hometown.

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