You is one ugly bitch.Dating a wack ass cracker. With your fat ass. You look like that 1 bitch off that drug comerical. The mushed in body cause your so short. haha. You= funny looking. That's why Justin is cheating on you with a friend of mines.HA. Betcha he didn't tell you that now did him.
damn illiterate ass bitches..get some of those damn bumps off your face and you might be able to see the keyboard better.."now did him", did you even graduate high school? because im seriously taking a shot in the dark when i guess NO..and GET A FUCKING JOB, you homos seriously have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands, fucking twenty-something years old and aint got shit to call your own, must suck.
BUMPS? I do not have bumps on face. You don't even know me. ha. Your funny but I do know you. And I know ENOUGH about you. It's kind of funny how I don't know these 2 people but it seems that I know everything about you. ha. Your gal is funny. I have my own place and own car. So, how do I not have something to call my own? And I'm not 20 something years old I'm 19. You must be talking about yourself talking about me not having anything. When you stay with your parents at 20 years old and does not have a car. ha. Your gal has her life together more than you. Working at the coffee shop flirting with girls isn't a job. ha
Re: MONICA and AJ get a fucking life...HAHAHAH we sold your games...get over it, broke dumbasses.anarchyashFebruary 26 2006, 20:34:36 UTC
LOL...your funny. I doubt you can lay me down. Yea your white and NO white bitch on this planet your size can fight.LOL. Yea i don't have a job but i do have more to show for then you man and he has a job.Ha. LOL @ lying and begging people to front me shit because i'm too sorry to get a job & like to continuously mooch off my parents. Your man is the fuckin loser to even front people weed that don't even have a job so slap him in the face for that. HA. You and you man can't fight worth a damn yall will need back up. *thinkin about your man gettin' his mouth all bloody just with some boxin glove* HAHAHA wonder what will happen with a bare fist. I bet you my life I can put your man down cause he's a lil bitch. Oh about the livin' off parents shit your man ain't no better. He stay at home with his family and i doubt he's payin bill. * reality check* I don't have shit against you. I didn't have a problem with you. I just think that it's all fucked up that your man sold my fuckin' game for $7. Now tell me who is the idiot now. LOL. Look's
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