Title: Warrior
Words: 221
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
atlinmerrick. The first was 'war'.
Previous 221b:
A wordless prayer_________________________________________________________________
Sherlock had been at war with himself and with the world since he can remember.
Maids - scared by his questions. Teachers - annoyed by his intelligence. His parents - wanted a daughter and not another strange little boy. Other children - hated him even before he opened his mouth.
The only light in the darkness of his childhood had been his brother, who comforted Sherlock when he cried because nobody liked him (he stopped crying when he was five, a circumstance that upset Mycroft more than he ever liked to admit to himself), who bandaged wounds with words and careful touches and sometimes actual bandages and who explained the world to him every time it did not make sense (constantly).
In his teens he hated himself, hated his body, the tall stature with slender limbs that seemed to go on forever and never do what he wanted them to, hated his life, hated everyone. He tried to calm the war inside with drugs, learned to adorn himself with an armour of disdain and to defend himself with words sharp as a blade.
Then he met John Watson.
And though his days were still filled with bullets, brawls, fights, arguments (the worst of them with John), for the first time in his life, Sherlock felt at peace.
Life with John was the best of battles.
Next 221b:
An Aspect of Beauty ------------------
AN: I needed a little writing exercise. I asked Atlin for a prompt. Then we decided that I was going to write a 221B every day we spent together.
Thank you, darling. You are the hummus to my vegetables!