So I was looking around for something to watch this evening and stumbled back on SyFy rewind and the final five episodes of Caprica. I'd watched the beginning and can't remember when it was I stopped. So I figured, what the hay, let me see what they did. What I really ended up watching was the history of the Adama family.
What I found most intriguing about the story was how it foreshadowed Lee, especially the steely Lee of Black Market and the only a bit less intense Lee in Bastille Day. I know a lot of people didn't like the former ep, but I really believed the Lee that killed Phelan, was a part of him that was always there, but he kept under rigid control. I don't think many people would argue that Lee wasn't a control freak at times.
I really started paying attention in Ep 115 Dirteaters which focused on young Joseph and his brother Samuel. Seeing the two boys together foreshadowed Lee and Zak in a way that I would have liked to see more of. Joseph had to shoot four people, including his father who was wounded badly enough that he couldn't protect them, to save his and his brother's lives. The brothers were involved in organized crime becoming made men. They defended themselves when someone was sent to kill them again. All of it was a family history, written in blood.
Then they shocked me by killing off young Willy as the situation surrounding his father and uncle's attempts to extricate themselves evolved. I was sitting here stunned, trying to figure out what was going on. If Willy was dead then how did this mesh with BSG? Throughout, the parts of the series I had seen, I hadn't been comfortable with Willy's behavior as a young teen. I just didn't see him growing into the Bill that we know. Not to mention the boy had dark eyes.
There just seemed to be a dichotomy there that didn't make sense. Then towards the end it was all made clear. Bill wasn't the Willy that was there through most of the series. Bill was Joseph's third child, born to him and his second wife after Willy's death. Really an interesting twist on the whole thing, although what it means is we really got no insight into the formation of Bill's character or into what his father was doing as he grew up.
Although a minor point, that could explain the apparent discrepancy of Lee thinking his grandfather was a civil rights lawyer, as opposed to the evidence that he was involved in defending criminals. Another thing that was less heavy and kind of interesting was Lee's great uncle Sam was the one who showed the light-eyed gene (I think Lee's grandmother may have had them also). William BTW was also the name of Bill's grandfather.
Finally, as a sort of vignette on the toughness of all the people of Tauron, Joseph's first MIL was the one who blew away the person trying to garrote her SIL. Then she was left in the house muttering about how she could take care of herself. Were Lee and Zak told that story on their grandfather's knee? It certainly could have given them both reason to be attracted to someone like Starbuck.
I probably didn't do it justice here, but I'd seriously recommend watching this part of the series, just to get the insight on the Adama family. I might even try to go back and watch the parts I haven't seen to get more.