new idea. i'm gonna post my actual posts from baka forum's claimings threda here. as lj cuts.
happy new year ^^/
i've finished my project >) mwahaha! ph34r mah project!
and now the two entries i have made recently:
tehee <;3 :lays comfortably on her jrockers' laps:
tenko da! jama wo suru tenko desu yo nee! >)
nice to meet new people, happy to see old friends- i missed joo <3 for many reaons i was away, and for one i think i'll come back. i can post here from time to time i think. we
weren't bored for a teeny bit! were we? >)
jrockers: :shiii~~n:
hey xD
tatsurou: wut? i wasn't bored! mocking that midget is never boring xD
ryou: :jumps to tatty: you call me that again and you'll...! ><;
tatsurou: fufufu... you know you get more cute when you're angry? ^,^
ryou: @rgg%$#&*!!! ><;;
>.>; yeah... see what i meant? you cannot bore with them xDDD
:bansaku playing his bass in the corner, kei jumping with this stare from bansaku to ryou, unsure of what to do:
yeah however, the situation was a bit difficult when guys disbanded.
kei: :stopps his stare on me:
: patpat : <3 ok?
kei: *^.^*
nyan. and now there's gonna be x-mas, soo....
jrockers: presents!! <3
yuuup!! ^,^ i'm curious what you'll buy to eachother and to your bandmates. hehe... >) i know what i'll get you... nya nya nya..
tatsurou: will that be evil?? *,*
kei: ^^;
ryou: anything for hair?? or to eat??
kiyoharu: perfumes?
won't tell xD you'll know when you'll get it.
jrockers: :sigh:
whaat? it's not like it's your tradition anyway. i'm gonna have holidays and you'll be all working xDDD
ryou: heeey!! ><; not fair!
tatsurou: :stone face: i'm officially offended.
kiyoharu: :rolls eyes: what's wrong with working? duh. :shrugs:
nyahaha. but i have to work double hard now instead -.-;
ryou: mwahahahahaha! ;P
bansaku: :smirk:
tatsurou: :smiles victoriously and goes back to ryou to spoil his hair:
kei: but that's no good! you'll have less time to sleep! o.o
yeah.. a bit. i'll try to sleep it back during holidays.
kei: ah.. okay. ^^
anyone knows php?? x.x; or phpbb?
: back after x mas :
> merii kurisumasu to u guyz <3 have a happy time, wiff ur families and friends, rest well and recieve best presents possible <;3 :hugz doki nebz iro and shinzon whose posts i noticed and saturn garden teenie mari aricho who may pass by here someday <3 :
:everyone thumble into the room and fall exhausted onto the bed with all the bags except me who's writing and kiyo who's smoking :
hahaha, guys don't tell me you got so tired after polish xmas xDD you were the one saying you can bear any amount of cackes and foodz! :lmao:
kiyoharu: i'm well ^^
yeah it's your second time maybe that's why xD
ryou: second?! o.o
bansaku: there's gonna be more?? x.x;;
yay, that is what comes every year and sometimes happens in lesser amout of food on various occasions during the year.
kei: i feel fainting...
ryou: :turns green:
tatsurou: more ginger cacke!!! ^,^ :said to the pillow caused by the unability to move:
lol, u guyz r funny ^^;
kiyoharu: and kinda overeaten. they'll get used to...
yeah but by then, more ginger cake for me! >) i ;heart; gran's cuisine
tatsurou: me too... :falls on another side like a barrel:
ryou: me too but i can't actually think of food now >.>;
bansaku: :mmmppftfoonnn: [me too but food noo]
kei: :mmmmmree: [agree]
^^; okay so for them the evening's over.
kiyoharu: at 10 pm? the night's still young!
yay xD i like that spirit.
kiyoharu: how many emails have you got there?
ummmm, 5 to go :)
kiyoharu: okay so i'll get the ice tea and biscuits :)
yay! full night ps2 mario bros clash! <3
kiyoharu: thehehe >) would it?
tshhh, don't spoil! xD i wanned to say that xD
kiyoharu: :lol: