yeha so i changed my email, and now here comes the problems. duh. first, if i weren't responding for some lj comments, it's email's fault not mine >.> i didn't get your replies, sorry ._. second, my tru email got suspended ><;;; gah, i paid for it now so hopefully it'll come back soon. i didn't get the email with the payment link >.o; also if
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Ojciec Święty Jan Paweł II nie żyje. ta wiadomosc caly czas widnieje u dolu ekranu tvp. jest jak pesymistyczna mantra, u tylko powoduje wiecej lez. odmawiam caly czas pater noster, ulubiona modlitwe Ojca Świętego. nabrala teraz nowego znaczenia... u dolu
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haaa, now i had a great fun. i made a total of 6 jokes. 2 at school, no, 3. and 2 here, and one on forum. [actually two but one is the same bullshit i bullshitted my friend with and both my friend and friend from forum got it xD lol
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i ate nothing sweet today. i wanna be a barbie doll. kogaru rules! that's my ew wannabee, and new idea for the cosplay. i'll cosplay that on nearest aikon. but first i'm going to japan for clothes and inspiration- this cute guy whom i met in paris, the sakugai [aka the guy-from-saku looking guy], invited me there ^^ i'm gonna go to kiyomizudera
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1. post the names of 20 of your favorite musicians 2. see who can guess which is your favorite song by each 3. once someone guesses right, bold that row and include the song