I have an idea for a project that I'd like to run this past all the KI students in the audience. Please tell me what you think! You all get free hugs.
I'm suggesting that we put up an online portal for people to post essays and hold discussions. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Also should it be Wikipedia style or discussion board style? Also would you take time out to write? Here's what I think:
Yes: We can hold discussions online -- already we have MSN conversations before every block test, so there seems to be a demand. We can compile notes for our juniors. We can build a repository of essays or even write an online textbook that beats the shit out of
theoryofknowledge.info and makes the other KI schools bow to our awesomeness.
No: We already have a LiveJournal (
ourhypotheses). We have problems finding time to write on it, so the same would probably go for any new online portal.
Wikipedia style: Allows cross-linking of articles to show connections between concepts. Allows collaborating building a giant monolithic online textbook.
Blog style: Can hold threaded LiveJournal style discussions. Allows tagging of essays for better organization of texts by topic. More user-friendly.
Would I post: Yup.