Joss Whedon is a diabolical asshole genius.
I just watched the third act and as to be expected, Whedon took our hearts, stomped on them, and handed them back to us raw and bleeding.
His characters are willing to do anything for love but events always conspire against them; they almost never get what they want. And if they do, it comes at much too high a cost.
It's fascinating to me that Billy only wanted Penny, and his own insecurities kept him from going after the love he could have had. What is it that keeps us so afraid of the very things we most want? Do we ultimately feel like we don't deserve to achieve our dreams?
There is one line that encapsulated the entire movie for me: "Here lies everything. The world I wanted at my feet."
All in all, it's beautiful, tragic, brilliant, and moving. And it makes me wonder just exactly why I put my heart on the line to watch Whedon's shows? Are we (those who love his work) all just masochists who like feeling such love/compassion/empathy for his characters only to have those emotions ground into paste? Are we just a bit relieved that it's someone else who has to live through such pain? Time and again, he creates beloved characters and interesting/passionate/complicated relationships. Time and again, he kills love just to see how the survivors survive the loss. And yet, we keep watching. Much to think upon.