So it's been quite a long while, hasn't it, since I posted anything? Not even any memes from me, lately, it seems like. I suppose I've been busy, and that's always my excuse, isn't it? When am I not busy. Bah.
Coronation/Grand Pageant was fun, with the preliminary days beforehand being a blur of helping cook the lunch that Steorra Holt served that day, and the day itself being divided between dancing, troublemaking, and having fun, with a brief interim wherein I served feast. Rendezvous at the Bridge was the following weekend, and was also fun -- it rained pretty much the entire weekend, including a violent spate during the three hours when I was driving down Friday night -- but aside from soaking the hem of several of my garments clear through, no damage was done. More dancing was had, and some drinking on Saturday. I also got inducted into the household Fabrica Minervae, making it my first household. I held out a long time on joining any households, and this is one I'm definitely proud to be a member of. A&S and service? Yeah, I think I can go for that.
The Fishers Ren Faire was the next weekend, so I had a lot to work on during the down time between huge weekend events. I finally finished the pair of shoes I was working on, and wore them all weekend, with only minimal repairs needed now. I am thrilled with how they turned out, though I can see a few things I would change/fix the next time I decide to make shoes -- for a first pair, they're marvellous. I also cranked out a pair of red linen hose Wednesday of last week, but most of that (all but the hem) was machine-sewed, because I simply didn't have time to do it properly (ie: by hand). I'm liking hand-sewing more and more these days... maybe because I can't afford many clothing projects, so I enjoy stretching out the ones I do work on, and having something that's really 'authentic' when I get done. Of course, there's always room to improve -- I'm lamenting the fact that I don't have wool or linen thread to use for the red cotehardie which I am still working on steadily. Next dress! My garb keeps getting a little better each time, so I guess that's all I should be hoping for.
I finally bought the plane tickets for my trip to England in February, and with that under way, I realized I really need to figure out where/when I'm going different places during that trip. Fortunately, since I work for AAA, I picked up a Britain map and a Europe tour book and am happily scanning and hilighting that in my free time.
setanta is being a good sport about my strange interests. :P
Oh, I must also announce that my boss granted clearance for me to take the second week of Pennsic off next year. So! I am going to Pennsic, come hell or high water, and I am elated by this as well as thoroughly panicked. It's fortunate I have about nine months to gather my kit together, because there will be much sewing that will need to be done, as well as much plotting of new garments, furnishings, accessories, and so forth. I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement.
Think that's enough for tonight -- I have a lot of cleaning I need to do, but this evening I just wanted to lounge, so lounge I did. Going to go read for an hour or two and then crash early. Sleeeep. I've been battling a bout of tonsilitis, and I'm sure camping in 45 degree weather probably didn't help it, but it was fun, darn it all!
I'll update more often. Or at least try.