[jewelry worn daily]: earrings, necklace and sometimes bracelets.
[Pillow]: i drool a lot, so i finally gave up and bought yellow pillow cases
[Shoes]: sandles, vans, and my pink and black galllas!
[Favorite top]: i have a couple..
[Favorite bottoms]: none ;)
[Cologne/Perfume]: Miracle, Cool Water, Eternity
[CD in stereo right now]: Incubus-Morning View
[Piercings]: ears
[Hair]: dark brown/red and way short
[What you are wearing now]: shorts and a marching band shirt from 2 years ago.
[In my mouth]: teeth?
[Inmyhead]: The bandaid song
[After this]: work
[Talking to]: myself
[The last thing you ate?]: Moose Tracks! mmm....
[Some of your favorite movies]: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Shrek 2!, Toy Story, and other ones that i can't think of.
[Something that you are deathly afraid of]: heights and dying..ironically
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: eh, if it ever happens i'll let you know.
[Do you belive in forgiveness]: yes, but sometimes it's hard for me..i like to hold grudges occasionally.. :/
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: i like hippos.
[What are 3 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to?]: New Orleans, Rochester!, anywhere other than detroit.
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: How some people can be so ignorant and dumb.
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
01. Cried: nope.
02. Bought something: uuum,no.
03. Gotten sick: yeah no.
04. Sang: sure did
05. Eaten: ha, hell yeah..when do i NOT eat?
07. Felt stupid: mm, no not really.
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: nah.
09. Met someone new: yes.
10. Moved on: i don't think so?...
11. Talked to an ex: yes.
12. Missed an ex: nope.
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: maybe...
14. Had a serious talk: mm-hmm.
15. Missed someone: kinda.
16. Hugged someone: yup.
17. Fought with your parent: nope.
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: i don't remember what i dreamt about last night...
01. Have you known the longest: Jessie and Andrea
02. Do you argue with the most with: my parents.
03. Do you always get along with: Courtney, Andrea, Rob and a couple other people.
04. Is the trustworthiest: Courtney and Jessie.
05. Makes you laugh the most: lots of them.
06. Has been there through all the hard times: Jessie, Andrea, Courtney and Jessica.
07. Has the coolest parents: Andrea definitly.
08. Have the coolest siblings: i have a pretty cool brother...who's NOT hot, thaaanks.
09. Is the most blunt: Ken and Matt.
10. Is the smartest: Ken, Matt, Courtney, Paul
01. Who is your role model: Lenny Schemm.
02. What is some of your pet peeves: DRAMATIC PEOPLE!, people who constantly need attention, fake people, people who drive like, 1 mph under the speed limit..i dunno why but i HATE that sooo much.
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: I don't think so actually..
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: in like, middle school.
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: nah, but we always have the same taste in music which is sweet.
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): probably :/
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: i might have wanted to at the time, but i got over it.
08. Rather be dumper or dumped: Dumper, cause that's always how it works out.
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": well i would RATHER have a relationship, but...that doesn't seem to be working out for me right now soooo yeah.
10. Want someone you don't have right now: maybe...
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yup.
12. Do you want to get married: hell yeah i do...i think i found the church I wanna get married in the other day too, haha.
13. Do you want kids: yeeeeeess!
14. Do you believe in psychics: sure.
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: nope, and i don't think i would want to know right now either.
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my smile-yay for braces-and my hair when it's not being gay and frizzy. And my eyes can be sweet too.
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: i don't let small petty things bother me, and i'm pretty emotionally strong all together.
18. Are you happy with you: minus the being fat part, sure.
19. Are you happy with your life: yes, pretty much.
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: i would be not so picky and have a boyfriend :/
Have you...
1. Fallen for your best friend?: yes
3. Been rejected?: no? again, maybe middle school cause i was..ha gross.
4. Been in love?: nope.
5. Used someone?: ....ha
6. Been used?: well, i think that's a no on that one, considering some circumstances...hahahaha
8. Done something you regret?: I've never been a regretful person..whatever happens, happens.
Who was the last person..
9. You touched?: my grandpa.
10. You talked to?: my grandpa.
12. You instant messaged?: Ken.
14. You had sex with?: iiiii'm gonna keep that to myself thaaanks.
15. You yelled at?: I'm not a big yeller.
16. You laughed with?: Rose.
17. Who broke your heart?: Never happened.
Do you..
19. Color your hair?: I just recently started to, yes.
20. Have tattoos?: no, but i will soon!
21. Have piercings?: just my ears, cause i'm a pussy.
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope :/
23. Own a webcam?: no.
24. Own a thong?: yes, lots.
25. Ever get off the damn computer?: yes i sure do.
27. Habla espanol?: un poco
28. Quack?: when i see darrin brooks...haha
Have you / do you / are you...
29. Stolen anything?: haha, yeah
30. Smoke?: definitly not.
32. Obsessive?: i can be, over small things.
33. Compulsive?: no.
34. Obsessive compulsive?: woooow, no.
35. Panic?: not usually.
36. Anxiety?: no.
37. Depressed?: hell no.
38. Suicidal?: oh fuck no.
39. Obsessed with hate?: There are a lot of people i don't like that i might say i "hate", but i don't actually hate them.
40. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?: sure......don't.
here we go...
Like your name?: yes, but only because it's spelled with two L's, and my last name because I'm a tv dinner.
Were you named after anyone?: my middle name (marie), is from my mom.
Do you wish on stars?: once and awhile.
Which finger is your favorite?: middle bitch.
When did you last cry?: last week.
Do you like your handwriting?: when i actually feel like writing.
Who do you admire: nobody really.
What is your favorite animal?: hippos and pussies.
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: i hope so.
Are you a daredevil?: once again, i'm definitly a pussyyyyy.
Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: yeah :/
Have you ever stolen anything?: yeah.
Do looks matter?: at first they do.
Have you ever miss used a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: haha, probably.
Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: i used to.
Are you trendy?: eh, maybe sometimes.
How do you release anger?: cry and sit by myself for awhile until i feel better or..hang out with people who make me feel better.
Do you trust others easily?: eh, if i know the person, maybe.
What was your favorite toy as a child?: MY BIG WHEEL!
Do you like sappy love songs?: i have to be in the mood for them.
Have you ever been on radio or television?: i think i've been on tv a couple times.
Do you have a journal?: only this one.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: hell yeah i do.
Have you ever been in another country?: nope.
What is your nickname?: Nicoliolioliolio, Nikki, and my aunt has some weird ones.
Would you bungee jump?: fuuuuck that.
Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: yeah, i have fat feet :(
What are you worried about right now?: if I'm gonna have enough money to buy a laptop.
Do you ever wear overalls?: i used to, but maybe i should start wearing them...
damn, that was long....