You lot certainly know how to throw a diverting New Year's party, don't you? It wasn't quite on the scale of, say, fireworks above the London Eye, but it was extremely...well...diverting. Didn't expect to see her, so I suppose it was actually more than just run-of-the-mill diverting. Diverting with...the element of surprise thrown in, perhaps.
[Private // Difficult to hack]
'Course it wasn't real. She could never be here - well, she couldn't be here and meet me face to face, behaving as though she knew me, at least. Not without...burning up.
And that was a dead giveaway, I'm afraid. You'll have to try a bit harder to pull the wool over my eyes next time, since those creative little New Year's Eve hallucinations simply didn't cut it. Sorry to disappoint you, better luck next time and all that.
And Christmas was equally as diverting, come to think of it! I mean, Christmas crackers? Here? Brilliant. The jokes were alarmingly bad, as always. Frighteningly bad. I think it's charming that this place feels the need to borrow so many things from Earth, really.
As for the rather unique choice of gift - I suppose the powers-that-be didn't borrow that particular gift idea from Earth. I've certainly never seen a fish so...formless. It isn't meant for eating, though. Er. Is it? It couldn't be. I couldn't possibly eat such a distinctive - not to mention innocent - life form.
It's almost rather beautiful, in a...blob-like...sort of way. Did everyone receive one of those, then? Not the most practical gift, to be quite frank.