So here's the deal. It's come to my attention that I have unwittingly put far too much on my plate.
*Calculus, for which he expects six hours a week of outside work, and frankly, with my mathematical retardation, this will probably be about right.
*Greek, which is about forty to fifty lines a night. Not a problem. Problem is, I have to take it separately with Cook once a week and do all 120-150 lines in one go. I could so do that, but I'm not sure Cook wants to/is going to. I don't think he likes me. For real.
*Art History, which should be enough said.
*Drama, for which I read three plays a week and write a paper every other week or something like that.
*French, which should also be enough said.
Add to this:
*Thaumasioi, for which I'm a co-Consul
*Mortar Board, of which I'm a VP
*Community Liaison
*Lab shows, which I hope to be assistant directing or stage managing, and in the spring, directing
*Hopefully doing some dramaturgy with the Attic Rep
This is too much. Something is going to have to go. Here's the thing. If I drop Calc, I won't get into Phi Beta Kappa. Also, it may help review for the GRE. I can't drop Greek. And frankly, I'd almost prefer to have it once a week; I'd get my translating skills back up to where they were when I left Rome. I don't want to drop French, but if I do, I'll be taking it next semester with the teacher I prefer- problem being, that'll be a semester less I'll be taking, and a summer and semester in between. Drama, I can't drop. Art History, if I drop, I won't minor. The thing is, I'm not really interested in Persian art and architecture. I'm just not.
So. After looking at my schedule, I feel like my best option would be to drop AH and pick up that one-hour Religious Particularism class. It means I'm three hours away from my art history minor, but honestly, it'll be a whole lot of work for something I'm not interested in. I wish that Greek vase painting class had been offered. That still leaves, though, whether or not Cook will teach me.
I hate it when things are up in the air.