dear yuletide author (2012)

Oct 14, 2012 22:05

Dear Yuletide writer,

Hi there! I’m excited that you matched with me! I’m writing you this letter in the hopes that maybe it will help give you some direction to get started… maybe? I can certainly ramble a little bit about my requests, and hopefully that will provide a starting point.

-I really like shippy stories, and tend to read more het than anything - as you probably figured out from my requests. I always enjoy some good gen, however, and have no objections to fem/slash if your muse leads you in that direction. :p

-I really like porn, I really like angst, and I REALLY REALLY like porn and angst together. Maybe not for Adam/Christina as much, but if you are going either the Michael/Liz or Tate/Violet route? Feel free to make it burn a little. Other random things I enjoy in fic: song lyrics in titles (the more pretentious THE BETTER); the "five things" format; ambiguous endings; dubious consent - only if you are 110% okay with it, obviously; kissing; and slice-of-life gen.

-I don’t have any squicks or triggers of note. I don't adore sappiness, hardcore crack, issue!fic, or crossovers, however. I also am not the biggest fan of first- or second-person narration.

*This is the most important point, and I’m going to copy from last year because it is still true: I don’t want you to write a story that you hate. When in doubt, please write something that makes you comfortable rather than catering to some like I’ve expressed. You will have more fun writing and I won’t worry that I inspired someone to write awkward duty!fic. I really enjoy reading a wide variety of fic. There’s a 99.999% chance that you are going to write something I love. I’ve left you a few notes on what I tend to enjoy, but I know that optional details are optional and will be very grateful for whatever you see fit to leave in my stocking.

Here’s a link to my delicious, just in case it’s good for anything.

Okay! You already have my requests, so let’s talk about them.

1.) The Voice RPF (Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera)
Original prompt: I love these two and their banter-y brand of friendly antagonism, as seen mostly in the first season. I would adore fic about them having snarky, sneaky sex offset (perhaps with just a hint of sweetness?), or really just any backstage interaction of a flirty variety.

I am so embarrassingly sprung on Adam Levine. I was just telling the same to a dear LJ friend a few days ago, and, lo and behold! I have the chance to request some RPF! Things I like about Adam include his ridiculous tattoos, his ridiculous M5 lyrics, his ridiculous habitual nakedness, and his ridiculous, disarming likability on The Voice. Things I like about Christina include: everything that this amazing HBIC chooses to be. She seems like the type to boss the hell out of Adam, and Adam seems like the type to like it! Are they having hot, furtive sex behind the scenes? What do they talk about over lunch? If you want to throw Cee Lo in there for some matchmaking or sage commentary, I wouldn't complain. ;)

2.) Roswell (TV) (Michael Guerin, Liz Parker)
Original prompt: Ah, the mega-angst of forbidden lust. If you are up for it and don't mind porn, I would kill for some super emo, super hot first-time hooking up. If not, anything related to their post-series interactions/lives would float my boat.

Roswell was the fandom of my heart back in the day, and it’s turned into a long term love affair. I think the prompt said it all, in this case. I ship both Max/Liz and Michael/Maria, but really like the bad boy-good girl thing that Michael/Liz brings, along with the barrier that his attitude towards her represents… to say nothing of the infidelity issue. I'd enjoy any fic having to do with their relationship, from the very-canon-compliant-and-gen'y end of things all the way to the porn I mentioned. If you go with the latter, bonus points if you can manage to go there without character assassination or bashing of Max or Maria.

3.) American Horror Story (Violet Harmon, Tate Langdon)
Original prompt: I love these two. I'd really enjoy a focus on what happened post-series, assuming that Violet ever interacted with Tate again. I JUST REALLY LIKE THE ANGST/SEX COMBO PLATTER, OKAY? (lol) Feel free to -not- gloss over the fact that Tate is a creepy, sociopathic little fuck.

If you go the non-smut route, I'd really enjoy reading about a slice of their undead life. What did Violet do on her first Halloween away from the house? How is Tate handling her rejection?

From my YT letter last year, because even after that hot mess of a finale, I feel the same way:

“There’s something so tragic-beautiful about Violet and Tate. They are both just messed up kids, even if Tate is a dead messed up kid who was also a murderer.

I like my Tate best when he is showing both sides of his personality in one fic - the inappropriate, dark weirdo (I like this Tate more than a bit creepy), and the one who is just a teenage boy with a crush on a girl he really digs. That duality is one of my favorite aspects of this ship. I would enjoy reading about them in a way that’s just as twisted as you want to go, if that’s your fancy.”

I really love this pairing and feel like you can't go wrong, no matter where you choose to go with it!

Dear Yuletide writer, I hope your writing is enjoyable! I am already very thankful for your time and energy, and think that you are awesome. ♥


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