I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
andburn1 are close by:
- lostaddict, mkstyle, katej (50 - 100)
- my_wonderful (100 - 150)
- loweryourwand, air_and_angels, eruwen859, jigglykat, macbeemer, raedances, elvengrace, dearsethcohen, robothearts (150 - 200)
- marcia_89, digitaljazz, lolli_candy, annemaris (200 - 250)
- exhaledeeply, _chocobox, bingblot (250 - 300)
- stickywicket, gender, passionfilled, cooll511, iconofilth, mesmeriseicons, calixa, cadallicjo, onbuilding, slowdear, mtrlgicons, irishikesh, _krystleklear, _iconsofdoom, idealfacade, zaplarue, jen4tomfelton, fireflyinthejar, gods___sin, willowariel, pink_passion69, useless_garbage, emmycrum, la_from_la, lilobsessions, rockdoutchic116, simply_strange, annearchy, demosthenes91 (300 - 350)
- avonlea_dreamer, gracie_in_greek, danakm, nousia, mononwalker, tome_raider (350 - 400)
- galigad, alil2sarcastic, calvincakes, vorrothiel, chouchoune, berenicepotter, amandioka (400 - 450)
- runeharmonic, colorshine, junesrose, imaginaryxlight, midnight_ljc, heron_advocate, thirdage, isis_azariel (450 - 500)
- logansrogue, connaka, madlori, mathilde_, airiviel, hpnic06, oh_honestleigh, parkergray, _ninikeuh (500 - 550)
- carondelet11, inell, jacyevans, jjluver, randomneses, calikalie, caalan, gilly_halliwell, angiej, b3njil0vejustin (550 - 600)
- kimmy_77, cinnamon_kisses, mjryan, littlehermione, auliana, ravenclawdrew, valeriehall343, a_white_rain, ladybluestar, trinag (600 - 650)
- juvo (650 - 700)
Created by ciphergoth; hosted by
TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends
list? Dude wtf what do the numbers mean?
Ah whatever. I went to RENT on Sunday, it was awesome, and then yesterday to a Jack's Mannequin concert. Also awesome.
Whenever I build up the effort I become panic(...ed? panicked? panicky? incoherant?) because I will soon lose all my userpics and paid account features. Not panic...ed enough to actually DO something, but still.