Title: The Chase
Pairings: Kirk/OFC, K/Mc preslash
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jim really isn't as shallow as you might expect.
Notes: Just properly reposting some old
st_xi_kink meme fills I wrote. This was first posted
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these characters. I simply dabble in this toybox.
You're on your second bourbon when Jim finally sees someone who catches his eye. There are two girls sitting a foot apart on the other side of the bar, and you roll your eyes at how predictable Jim can be when you notice the one on the left.
Blonde bombshell at twelve-o'clock: plump lips, big breasts, and a gorgeous face. She's exactly the kind of woman you expect him to go for.
He's gone and slid in between the two of them, an arm over the shoulder of each girl. The two look like they're here together, and the girl on the right looks like she might be more interested in punching Jim than listening to him yammer on.
You can just imagine the speech he's giving them.
"Hello, ladies. Why yes, I am James Kirk, and why yes, we are going to have a fantastic night together."
He leans in towards the prettier girl, and you acknowledge that maybe it's not a kind distinction, but it's true, and he whispers in her ear.
The disbelieving look on her face must mean he used one of his worse pickup lines. You can't imagine what it could have been, though, as you've even seen him pick someone up with a "Nice shoes, want to fuck?" and a patented Jim Kirk leer.
You figure he must have stuck out and counted his losses when the girl walked off towards the washrooms. Jim pulled her chair up to the other one and flashed his most winsome smile.
You could be sick all over the bar, and it's not from the alcohol.
She doesn't look impressed. But then again, she really doesn't look like much in general. A little plump in the less pleasing areas, a little less in the nicer ones. She's got gawky looking glasses on and her nose is a little on the big side and, really, that sneer isn't doing her any favors.
And yet, Jim neither looks daunted, nor like he's going to get out of there and find a prettier girl to flirt with. Because flirting is exactly what he's doing, and you're growing more curious by the moment.
You order another double, as you're down to the ice on your second, and when you look back at the two of them, she's smiling. It's like it lit up her entire face, and while you can believe that Jim Kirk can charm most anyone, you're still unsure about what game he thinks he's playing. Even with a smile like that, she's nothing special to look at, and Jim could have anyone he wanted.
She stirs her drink, which he probably ordered for her, and then points the stick at him, twirling it a little in the air. She seems horrified when she splashes him with the alcohol still on it, but Jim, predictably, just laughs it off and scoots in a little closer.
She's tense now, though, but a few moments later she shrieks with laughter before covering her mouth with an embarrassed gesture. Jim, the incorrigible flirt, takes her hand from her face and kisses it.
You roll your eyes and drink down what's in your glass before settling your tab. You can't take much more of this. It's almost painful to watch.
When you look back, you see that she's gone, and Jim's moving back over to you, practically vibrating with eagerness.
"Bones," he hisses, wearing a shit-eating grin.
"What?" you ask wearily, wondering if he's ditching the girl and looking for you to hide him now.
"Look, just wanted to let you know I'm not heading back with you, yeah?" he says gleefully. "Did you see that girl I was talking to? She's got a single and we're heading back to her place." Jim has his most lascivious smile on, and you know you're scowling.
"She doesn't seem your type," you venture.
"What?" he asks, seemingly confused. "I don't know what you're talking about. She is exactly my type," he laughs, looking back towards the washrooms in eager anticipation.
"I thought you tended to go after prettier girls," you say immediately, as apparently your inner censor went out the window when you had that third drink. The frown Jim gives you makes you feel like he just called you an asshole, and you deserved it.
"Really Bones? I didn't think you were that shallow," he replies coolly.
"I'm not usually," you say, but you know that, all right, maybe you are, and when you aren't, it isn't because looks don't matter to you, but because you're not feeling up to the chase and taking whoever you can get.
You never said you were a saint.
"I'll have you know that I think Annie's gorgeous," he says pointedly, and, ah, that's her name, "and sometimes it's fun to have to work for it," he says after a short pause. He shrugs sheepishly.
"When she started warning her friend against sleeping with me because I'd probably end up giving her space herpes, along with some long and complicated scientific names for that I've forgotten," liar, you think, "I knew she was the one for me tonight. Maybe a couple of nights, if you know what I'm getting at." He's looking smug and if you want to kiss that bastard look off his face, well, you can blame the alcohol.
You stare at him in disbelief.
"Come on. That's hot," he defends himself as the girl comes back around.
"What's hot?" she asks, eying you carefully.
"Someone with looks and brains," Jim says immediately, wrapping an arm around her. "And since I lucked out tonight, I'll see you later, Bones."
You hear her gently bickering with him as they walk away, but Jim works his magic and has her laughing a little too loudly, but shockingly not forced, as they head out the door, and he turns his head to smile brilliantly at you before disappearing.
You run your fingers through your hair, wondering if you're being punished. It's highly probable, all things considered.