(You go insane.)
I think I figured out the root of my current writer's block with my Wall'verse.
Right now the chapter I'm working on is not even half done and just over 2,000 words, but I'm still not feeling the story.
It's because I don't want to tell that story just yet. I have an idea in my brain as to what I want to say with this series. Unfortunately, I listen to what people say just a little too much. I'm glad I've stepped away from the kink meme for now, because there was a lot of negativity swimming in there right before I stopped keeping up with it.
I don't want to write a sexy, steamy story where Jim is being punished by his Dom, I want to write character pieces.
Yes, you can have character-driven sex, and that's what that story is going to be, but what I loved about writing the Wall'verse so far is that it's just little stories of these people's lives, and I don't think I'm done doing that yet. There's a certain plot line I want to follow, yes, but the most important thing is nailing these characters in writing.
So, I'm not ditching that chapter/story, but I am waiting to finish it until I think the Wall'verse is ready for it.
Now I just need to figure out what story needs telling next. Chekov and Sulu are giving me grief, and I'm terrified of writing Spock (and Spock/Uhura is even scarier as I find myself with a het OTP and little experience in reading/writing het).
I got into STXI for the Bones/Kirk. But right now they aren't feeling very chatty. I don't know if it's because I need to rewatch the movie, or what. But I need to get re-inspired.
Perhaps I need to just suck it up and check out the kink meme again, because that had been what was driving my inspiration in the first place.
TL;DR: BAWWW I have writer's block and no confidence in my writing because I'm a whiner.
Maybe I should try writing some more of those music meme stories WITHOUT resorting to my fallback OTP of Bones/Kirk.