am:: andrea
want:: to be someone in this world
need::friends and family
crave:: love
love:: friends and family
hate:: cheating..lying....fake-ness
did:: nothing
feel:: content
miss:: tucson/foothills
am annoyed by:: shallow-ness
would rather:: be surfing
am tired of:: Lies..change
will always:: listen
comment with your own stuff filled in i thought
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Comments 2
am:: jaycie
want:: to find something that i am good at
need:: to go to sleep like, now-ish.
crave:: ..this boy. agh i'm pathetic
love:: friends, family, music
hate:: lies, contradictions
did:: too many things this weekend
feel:: exhausted
miss:: certain friends (ANDREA! for instance)
am annoyed by:: people who are pretencious, and boys
would rather:: be sleeping right now
am tired of:: lies, change, and being sad
will always:: forgive (probably)
am:: janna
want:: more
crave:: food
hate:: insincerity
did:: not do homework today
feel:: overwhelmed
miss:: innocence
am annoyed by:: boys
would rather:: not have school tomorrow
am tired of:: being tired
will always:: question
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