Wow... the things we believe that other people tell us. You are such a liar and i hate you. Thanks for being such a shitty person... you Are truly the one i'll always remember THIS WAY> NO MAS
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So this weekend sucked ass in a HUGE way... Psycho girl ran her car off the road in front of me which means, of course, that i hit her. And so now i have to go to court for that.... WHAT SHIT
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I found a few houses for rent downtown... me and scott and torie are thinking about moving in so we are going to check them out sometime and i'm gonna call them later. Life seems to be getting a little better everyday. Love you Tore
Saw mark in the big ATL for the last three days. It was really fun... he's really happy and healthy (a big chub bub hehe). We went to the movies and saw wedding crashers which was god and he jumped like a dork... haha and he dyed my hair eventho he got dye on my favorite jeans and on his khaki shorts. And went to moe's hey yo "welcome to moe's
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Man! I feel sooooo much better now. I talked to mom about the money i get from Dad's insurance and it wasn't that there wasn't money left in all but from this month's check that's all... i wish she would have told me that before i started to freak hehe. But i'm good and that's made my day. Oh and i'm down to my last pack of Macaroni and cheese and
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So i'm pretty dumb about how to get and put into effect these layout deals... i want one of my very own so if anyone knows how to make them up PLEASE help me b/c i am in desperate need for some change on here... i'm going to go to work now and think of some new pics and stuph that i'd want.... please help tho. Ash