Player info:
Name: Chibale
Pronoun: he/him/his
Other Contact: AIM: ChibaleRasui, LJ:
chibalerasui Character Basics
Name: Jack Brampton - goes by Malachai, Captain Malachai
City: Fall City
Age: 23
Gender: Either - He doesn't particularily identify as male or female, refuses gender roles, and dresses as he wishes. He tends to avoid giving a gender if at all possible, but when asked, will say male. He is comfortable being biologically male, and has no intentions of changing that, he simply identifies as either/or at any given time. Gender queer.
Biological Sex: Male
Birthdate: October 31
Birthplace: London, England
PB: Andrej Pejic
Natural Hair/Eye Color: Platinum blond/Blue
Height: 6'2"
Body Type: Skinny. Malachai weighs all of 120lbs soaking wet, has a lanky figure and could probably do with eating a sandwich or three dozen.
Noticeable Scars/Tattoos/Piercings and Location:
Piercings; all silver: Nose, left side, stud. Lip, bottom-right, hoop. Right eyebrow, bar. Left ear, four lobe, one in upper cartilage (all hoops). Right ear, two in lobe (hoops), three in upper cartilage (one hoop, two studs). Back of neck just above the shoulders (bar). Tongue (bar). Navel (stud). He may take out certain piercings when required.
Tattoos: Right arm, from shoulder down to wrist with head on top of hand,
crotalus oreganus, venomous pitviper. Upper left arm, life-sized raven's head. Right shin,
pseudechis porphyriacus, the red-bellied black snake, coiled from knee to ankle, head on top of foot. Left hand, on web between thumb and index finger, black widow spider. Back, upper and across shoulderblades, raven's wings. All high-quality realism with 3-D imagery.
Clothing Style: Steampunk goth. This involves a lot of victorian-era clothing combined with steampunk paraphenalia. His goggles are a design he crafted himself out ofleather and brass, and he rarely goes anywhere without them, either sitting atop his head or hanging around his neck. He wears a customized long leather duster in the cold season (and often in the warm season) that he can adjust to prevent the tails from catching in his bike's engine/parts.
He has any number of brass items with him, including a pocket compass, hourglass keychain, skeleton keys, and an authentic antique pocket watch that was gifted to him by his father, engraved with the words 'Always my son'. He wears brown deerskin gloves, long, black leather boots, and carries a black walking stick with a brass snake's head handle. Whether or not he's wearing the duster, his clothing consists of victorian-styled blouses, and either snug-fitting black suits or leather vests and suit pants with brass chains.
He also, occasionally, dresses up in women's victorian-style clothing. Long-sleeved dresses with snug bodices are his favorite.
He wears a lot of jewelry, as well. Always in place is a pentagram on a silver chain with a snake coiled through the pentagram, kept tucked into his shirt. Another permanent piece is a short chain consisting of brass, gold and platinum braided together, with two small red topaz sontes set at either side of a black pearl, that was a gift from his long-term boyfriend, Brandon. A brass pinky ring made of interlocking gears rests on his left hand, and the rest of his fingers find themselves adorned with any variety of trinkets, from simple bands of silver or stone, to intricate, segmented finger-rings.
Malachai was born Jack Brampton in east-end London, England to a Cockney mother and Canadian best-selling author father. Until the age of three, everything was peaceful and pleasant. At that time, however, his mother took ill, and was rushed to the hospital for testing. It turned out she had cancer, and from that point until the age of thirteen, Jack spent most of his time with his aunt Kate. His father's life was split between writing and spending time at the hospital, and he saw little of his son except when he visited to ensure Jack's well-being and offer Kate whatever aid she required.
Jack was only allowed to visit his mother sporadically, due to her failing health. She recovered enough a few times to return home, and things would seem like they were going back to normal, only to fall ill again, and then the cycle would start over. A few months after Jack's thirteenth birthday, his mother, Anabella, passed away. A few months after that, his father, Michael, packed up their belongings and moved Jack to Canada.
Because he barely knew his father, he spent most of his time out exploring the city and fell into the goth crowd, finding it fascinating. Shortly after, he started a webcomic based on the steampunk culture he'd enjoyed so much with his aunt's encouragement. The comic grew in popularity quickly amongst the goth crowd, and nurtured by this interest, he continued it and expanded on it, giving the world he'd developed a vast and detailed history. He began attending art school, and his work improved tremendously. Through school, he was introduced to the RP world, and freely joined many role-playing groups, online and off.
At the age of seventeen, Jack, now known more commonly as Malachai, applied to the university in Fall City's art program. He was accepted, and his father paid all his tuition fees. Michael wasn't about to restrict his son's growth after spending so little time with him growing up, and instead found himself spending money on the boy as a way to make up for his absense during those tender years, not only for schooling and transportation, but going so far as to buy Malachai a condo in Fall City, and a Harley Davidson motorcycle once he got his license. Only the best for his son.
Since then, Malachai, often going by the title of Captain, has been living in fall City attending university, working on his webcomic which continues to gain in popularity, and continues to enjoy the goth subculture. He's joined an unofficial pagan church, having found the pagan belief system compelling. He attends science-fiction conventions regularily, and designs steampunk parephenalia based on the items in his comic. His father has since moved down to Fall City, marrying a woman he met during one of his visits with Malachai, and they now have twin sons, not yet a year old. Malachai cherishes those boys.
Tell me two important memories.
- The death of his mother when Malachai was thirteen. While the blow had been lessened by years of failing health, it still struck him pretty hard. This woman he barely knew yet loved dearly would no longer be around for him to get to know. He didn't cry, and he felt bad for that. He felt bitter by her abandonment, enraged by his father's inability to save her. He relied on his aunt so heavily for support during that time, all but shunning his father's attempts at closeness and comfort. He spent the evening sitting in his room at his aunt's house looking over photos of his mother, smiling at the smiles in those photos, barely able to recall those same smiles from memory. His father hadn't come to see him that night, and for some reason, he'd been glad of that.
- A few months after his mother's death, Malachai's father packed up the house and moved them to Canada. Malachai was bitter. He was removed from the only family he knew, his aunt Kate. He'd refused to go, demanding Kate not let his father take him. She told his father to leave the room, and sat him down to speak to him. She explained that Michael was his father, no matter what happened, and even if things seemed unpleasant now, being in a new place with new opportunities could be a good thing. A great thing. He'd still be able to visit, she promised. She'd make sure of it. It wasn't like Malachai's father lacked the funds for it.
Malachai had hated every minute of it, but his aunt had a way of handling him that no one else did. A sort of understanding. She managed to convince him not to fight it, promising that he could call every day until he felt he no longer needed to. She kept every promise. Aunt Kate is the only person Malachai trusts explicitly to this day.
Family members:
His father is a bestselling Canadian author of science-fiction, wealthy, and spends money on his son frequently. Step-mother is a board member of a cultural advocacy group that petitioned to open the city's massive culture center. They've been wed just past three years, and have two sons, twins, who are not yet a year old.
His aunt still lives in London, England, and he spends summers up there with her. She writes, and calls a few times a month to catch up on life, make sure he's doing well and ask if he needs anything. She's more a mother than his mother was.
His mother is deceased, having lost a battle with cancer when Malachai was thirteen.
Father: Michael Brampton, Canadian, age: 47
Mother: Anabella Brampton, British, age: would be 43
Aunt: Catherine Unwin, British, age: 48
Step-mother: Jillian Brampton, American, age: 35
Brothers: Nickolas and Daniel Brampton, age: 8 months
Malachai calls his father Mike, aunt Kate, and his brothers Nikki and Danny. Jillian dislikes the nicknames, but does her best to ignore it for her husband's sake, as he is very tempermental when it comes to his relationship with his son. Jillian rather dislikes the kid, thinking him a trouble maker and irresponsible spoiled brat.
He is currently involved with three people locally, and one who lives in England that he hooks up with during the summer, but keeps in contact with via IM/email the rest of the year. His relationships are open and casual, though Brandon has been involved with him for going on five years.
Brandon, boyfriend, age: 24
Steven, boyfriend, age: 19
Angela, girlfriend, age: 21
Nigel, boyfriend in England, age: 22
Pets: A rat named Engineer whom he calls Gin for short. The rat is a foot long not counting the tail, dark-furred, and can often be found riding around on Mal's shoulder, or curled up in a hip-pouch Malachai wears that's been designed just for the rat's comfort. He is hand-raised and well cared for.
Character Details
Favorite Food? Homecooked. He has no particular favorites, but he is vary particular about what he'll eat. He won't eat out unless the place guarantees all-natural, local-grown produce and proper food handling standards. This means fast food of any sort is off his list. He despises chemicals. Soda? Not touching it. He drinks oragnic-fruit juice, bottled water from one specific company, and has a water cooler in his home. For food, it has to be local, as local as possible anyway, and organically grown, no chemical pesticides or additives in the animal feed. He also avoids wheat, citing it as too genetically altered. He has a few places he goes to for purchases, avoiding all popular grocery stores and spending the extra money for the specialty health shops, and makes all his own meals. When out, he might be convinced to eat something, but chances are very low. When it comes to alcohol, he's not as particular, but won't drink most ales or beers.
Favorite Color? He has a few. Brass or bronze is a favorite, and he has many brass items in his collection. Browns and blacks for clothing, as well as furnishings, with crimson as an accent. He really focuses more on overall appearance of the colour scheme than specific colours, though does have a fondness for purples.
Favorite Season? Any season that lets him ride his bike! 8D He's not particular towards either season, though does enjoy fall the most because of the colours of the leaves. He doesn't dislike winter, though he does get cold easily and tends to grumble about the weather more than in other seasons. He misses the snow he had up in Canada, though, when he lived with his father in Toronto. He really enjoys rain.
Favorite Animal? Gosh. He really likes all animals, even insects, for some reason or other. Rodents are up there, as they are versatile and adaptable. Cats are alright, as are dogs, but not really his favorites. The praying mantis is fascinating, and all birds are amazing, especially raptors. There are no animals he hates, just some he likes less than others.
Do they like television? He doesn't have much time for it, but isn't against it. He may watch a show for a while, enjoys renting movies and the likes, but doesn't make much effort in keeping up with current seasons. Anime is pretty awesome, though. News is annoying. He does have a television, and may leave it on when working, but doesn't pay a lot of attention to it often.
What's their favorite style of music? Steampunk! The steampunk music genre is not very defined, but there are particular bands that could be considered Steampunk. (modern includes: Abney Park, Doctor Steel, Vernian Process, Thomas Truax, Unextraodrinary Gentlemen - it varies widely.) While he favours 'steampunk' as a genre, his musical preferences are pretty open, only disliking rap, reggae, country, and similar.
Have they considered being the gender/sexuality they're not? He's considered it. He spent some time trying to understand the concept of gender identity versus biological sex. Eventually it lead to the conclusion that he was fairly comfortable in his assigned sex, but his gender was very fluid. Expected gender roles are rediculous, and conformity to such roles feels wrong. So he expresses himself in any way he wishes, and unless asked directly, will allow people to make assumptions as to his gender, identifying as either male or female, or as 'gender queer' or 'neutral' depending on the crowd he's with.
Would you say they're "picky"? Yes. Very. ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. It's not so much picky about what he eats as where it's from and how it was grown/raised. For other things? He's very difficult to become close to, being particular about who he shares personal information with, but otherwise he's willing to be friends with pretty much anyone that doesn't get on his nerves. And not many can actually get on his nerves. At home, he is VERY picky about his things. Don't touch his things, don't move them around, don't make a mess. If anything is moved, he has to put it back. It can take years for him to trust someone in his home enough for him to not spend an hour or more after they've left to make sure everything is in its place. He gets anxious when guests come over, fretting about whether or not everything will be where it should be, especially if there's a meal involved, since that leaves a mess.
His condo is sorted, everything has a place and it should be in its place. Things are put away imediately after use, dishes cleaned after a cooking, and again after eating. Books get shelved when not in use, even half-read with a bookmark. His jewelry is all sorted in boxes and bowls. He cleans everything nightly, and will even stay up unable to sleep until everything is cleaned if he has to. Fortunately, since he has the habit of putting everything back right away, this rarely occurs.
His art room is not so organized, though his paints and supplies are sorted by colour very neatly. He does tend to leave supplies out when a project or item is in production, only cleaning up what needs to be cleaned, such as washing brushes or palettes, cleaning tools, etc.
Do they alphabetize/color-coordinate their things? If so, which things? He colour coordinates everything, his clothing, his accessories, the things he makes for his small business (steampunk parephenalia, such as goggles and pocket compasses). His furnishings are all colour-coordinated, in browns and blacks with crimson accents. His clothing is mostly blacks with some browns, accented or contrasted with brass or whites.
His clothes are all sorted by type, coats and suits together, dresses together, shirts neatly folded or hung up. Material may be a factor, such as keeping leathers together, or silks, while other fabrics are less of a concern. His various accessories are sorted into drawers, socks together, ties hung on a hangar to keep them neat, and so on. It would probably be easy to find something specific if you knew him and his habits.
His books and videos are sorted alphabetically by type and then series, with stand-alones having their own categories. It's mostly manga/anime, but also many science-fiction and some fantasy series.
Internet Presence: His roleplay interest started before he was fourteen, but his online interest didn't start until after. The goth crowd got him into some online forums, and he started seeking out steampunk-themed roleplay environments, imersing himself in the culture in what few MMOs offered it. Since it isn't a huge theme, his interest spread to other type or MMOs.
It was a few months before his fourteenth birthday that he started his webcomic, which is what got his friends into linking him to various sites. The webcomic is now very popular, especially with the goth and steampunk crowds, but also with LGBT communities due to its lack of gender-conformity and openness in sexual experimentation. While the comic never goes into x-rated themes, it does contain a lot of adult content, where relationships are experimented with and expressed in many ways, openly.
Due to his webcomic, Malachai's experiences in the online world have grown rapidly. He has many fansites that he checks out for a chuckle, there are forums he pokes at often, and he has accounts on any social networking site he finds, if only to claim the name so that others can't use it, due to some minor concern with internet identity theft. Many of these he pays little attention to once he creates the accounts, though the major ones he has linked to each other to allow him to keep his fans up to date with the comic as well as public appearances, such as at conventions.
His website is pretty massive, including his webcomic, some pages dedicated to the setting and history/lore, his online shop for the steampunk items he makes (mostly commission-based with examples, though there are a few items he'll post for regular sales), and even photo pages of his various public appearances, such as conventions, cosplay, crossplay, major gothic events, and so on. Due to classes, he has less time to spend on his shop or comic than he would like, and his major focus in on school work, but he does his best to keep his online presence active, informing his fans of his school progress (but not much else of his personal life).
Because he uses the same moniker everywhere, he is easy to find, and many a fan has located him in various places, including Zenderael. He is as friendly as one can be under the circumstances, freely chatting when he's not busy, even with people he's never heard of before. He's very sociable and outgoing.
Programs/Services and Screennames:
AIM/MSN/ICQ: Captain Malachai
e-mail: (for business) / (for family) / (for fans)
Play Style:
Malachai was dragged to Zenderael when it came out by fans/Duncan. His first choice was the spellsword, even before finding out that's what those he knew would be playing. He plays a Combat style, prefering to charge at things than sit back and keep others from getting hurt.
He's purely RP in Zenderael, after his initial brush with a more casual league. He quit that league to get away from ooc drama and formed his own, an RP-only league, which runs many RP events (as well as more serious raids and the likes for completion/loot, but they are used after-the-fact as having occured ICly for the characters).
It's easy for him to pick up on the complicated aspects of a class, and the simpler 'beat 'em up' types are a bit too stale for him. Berserkers were never his thing, but spellswords or hunters are pretty cool.
He does some PvP, and will pay to change his build to a PvP-specific one if required, switching it back for league activities, though he has less time for PvP things with school going. He's something of a casual player in the 'off-season', that is, during the school year, imersing himself more fully during long holidays and summer vacation.
He is a very 'no drama' type of gamer, but he knows the differences between RP drama and RL drama. RP drama is fine, and even entertaining, but if you start trying to pull RL drama on him, he'll probably get rid of you. His league has a very strict 'no real life drama' rule.
To RP or not to RP?: Def. All the way. Even offline.
General Overview:
Malachai is a very outgoing and friendly person, most of the time. There are a few exceptions, such as if someone really gets on his nerves, but this is difficult to do. Though, while open and friendly with just about anyone he comes across, he is very reserved when it comes to his personal life, such as his relationships, family and upbringing. Those sorts of things he only shares with someone that takes the time to get to know him, and it can take months to get that close, if not years. He is very distrusting of people, due to his feelings of abandonment as a child, but he does his best not to let it show unless the person starts asking personal questions.
While it can be difficult to form strong friendships, he is very loyal to those who do manage it, willing to drop anything to help them out of a bind, be there for them, and will even let them stay at his place if they need it, doing his best to live with the anxiety this causes for the sake of friendship.
He is very eager to chat with just about anyone, about anything. What he considers personal may vary from what others consider personal, however. Family, relationships and his past are off-limits. He's not big on politics, however, having been raised in England and then Canada. American politics make no sense to him. Also, religion. He tends to not have much to say on the topic, being a practicing pagan and somewhat aprehensive about announcing such. Anything else? Go for it. Even the sorts of things most people might find TMI, such as gender and sexuality.
He is tech savvy, having built his own website, and owning a variety of computers. He'll be as helpful as possible if others come to him for help with these things, so long as it doesn't involve him taking too much time away from his own life to the point that they would be better off hiring someone. He won't build someone a website, but he'll help them figure out what code to use to get a specific result.
It is not easy to get things out of him unless he's willing. Manipulation doesn't work. If it's subtle enough that he doesn't realize it, and he figures it out, he will hold a grudge. He is his own person and if you want something from him, ask. If he isn't willing, that should be respected.
Despite having so much on his plate (his comic, his shop, school, relationships and family), Mal is very easy-going and relaxed, taking life as it comes to him and doing his best to pace himself. The only time he gets overly stressed is when it comes to his home being invaded visited, or romantic involvement. Romance, while something he really enjoys, is complicated. He prefers casual relationships over serious, and if things start to seem serious, he may panic.
He spends his free time on a variety of activities, including going to the Lourdes and Laddies (an upper-class gay dance club) every Saturday evening for their goth night to dance, as well as meditation techniques, roleplaying, and chatting. He even drinks at the club! The only night of the week that he allows himself such a vice, most of the time. Dancing is something he really enjoys, and if he weren't into visual arts, he might have gone into dance.
He is a very artistic person. He can see the artistic appeal in everything, and often finds himself looking at things with that in mind, be it artwork or people, clothing or locations. He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and enjoys a variety of artistic endeavers, such as his web comic and his business of designing and constructing steampunk apparel and paraphenalia. His goggles are his prized possession, and if they were to ever go missing, he would likely throw a fit. Well, if anything of his went missing, he'd likely throw a fit, but the goggles would be worthy of a hurricane.
- He is very distrusting of people in general. While this doesn't come up a whole lot in normal activity, it does make it difficult to form strong bonds with others. People tend to think he's simply not interested.
- He is very casual in his interactions with others, which tends to make people not take him too seriously, which can also hinder any attempts he does make to become close to others.
- He holds a grudge. If someone actually manages to upset him, he has a hard time forgiving, let alone forgetting. He may seem petty or bitter.
- He's very affectionate, and tends to show it in some manner, either a hand on the shoulder or arm, or a hug, though he tries to be aware of personal space and how others react to such things.
- He still maintains his British accent, despite having lived in Canada and the US for nearing on ten years. Since he spends summers back in England, and speaks to his aunt regularly, his accent persists.
- He uses cockney rhyming slang as a way of confusing people, though sometimes it's unintentional.
- He collects manga/anime, having an extensive collection despite not having much time to actually pay attention to it. This includes figures, posters, and even cards.
- He likes stuffed toys but doesn't buy them for himself, and feels a little silly telling people. :(
- He's ambidextrous but favours the left hand because it's less common.
Three Complimentary Words: Friendly, loyal, ambitious
Three True-But-Hard-To-Hear Words: Shallow/fake, spineless, spoiled