Full Name Ciara Marie St. George.
Age 24.
Birthday June 10th.
Place of Birth Great Falls, Montana.
Occupation Speech therapist and sign language interpreter.
Fairytale Georgie Porgie from the Nursery Rhyme of the same name.
Status While not particularly proud of her Tale, she is open enough about it to tell fellow Tales who she was. However, it is not something she generally likes to bring up. It is the subject of a lot of bad memories for her and her inability to maintain any kind of lasting relationship indicates that it still very much affects her life.
Ability None. If anything, it’s given her a disability, relationship-wise.
Growing up an Air Force brat is never an easy thing, and Ciara St. George can sure attest to that. Her father was heavily involved in airplanes and the Cold War when she was little, and the family moved around constantly. Born in Montana, she was quickly relocated to Stuttgart, Germany. They were stationed there until her thirteenth year, when they moved back to the U.S. and settled in Manhattan, New York. Although she views herself as a bit of a mutt, Ciara feels a powerful bond between herself and New York City. She moved there when she was just entering her teens, so in a way the city has helped her grow into a headstrong, determined young woman.
Outside of her family, Ciara found it very hard to fit in. As a toddler, she had been plagued with ear infections and high fevers. Because of this, she lost all hearing in her right ear. This does not really disable her to any large extent, but it has made her more keenly aware of what she is missing out on. Other children used to tease her because of it, which added to her overall insecurity. Imagine being hard of hearing in Germany! She could barely understand the thick accents that surrounded her as it was, and her monaural hearing loss just made it even harder for her to know what was going on. When she went to her father, seeking guidance on the subject, he told her to “just be friendly and play with them.” So, little Ciara put on a happy face and did what she was told - kissing all the boys and being flirty. As a result, she became quite a little heartbreaker, always kissing but never committing to anyone. She finds it pretty easy to be flirty and friendly for a while, but getting close to anyone is something that she cannot handle. Because of this, she can seem quite antisocial and even bitchy toward certain people (mostly men - sorry, boys).
Ciara, of course, did not suspect that any of this social angst had anything to do with a fairy tale. It was not until she was twentieth year that she even considered the idea of herself being cursed. All girls have problems, right? She was enrolled at NYU, majoring in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, when she came across a recording of classic Mother Goose nursery rhymes designed to be signed to deaf children. Georgie Porgie was one of those rhymes, and it was the only one that really spoke to her, though she didn’t understand why. She simply attributed it to the fact that, like Georgie, was coquettish and afraid of confrontation. However, soon after, she met a man called Jacob Anser and was given a strange book which she was instructed to write in. Originally quite skeptical toward the whole idea, she eventually began writing in this Compendium and finding the emotional solace that comes with belonging to a community. Not that she’d ever let anyone know that, of course.
Ciara’s personality can be very different, depending on who she is with. To close friends, she is extremely giving and thoughtful. However, there are very few people that she is close to. Outwardly, she is flashy: colorful clothes, funky side-ponytails, big smile. She is very much a flirt and she’s been known to have one night stands. Sometimes, more than one a night.
Inwardly, however, she feels terribly unfulfilled. She knows that most girls her age want to settle down and she wants desperately to want that. But, try as she might, she is a commitment-phobe and can never stay with one man for longer than a few weeks. Luckily, none of her boyfriends so far have really been searching for love. But heaven help her when she finds a man who wants to settle down.
Her hearing problem is not immediately apparent, but it does affect her whenever she is with people. It dictates where she positions herself with friends, and causes her to need things repeated. She speaks sign language and is fairly good at reading lips as well. She has her degree in Speech Pathology and she puts it to good use, not just in her career but in her daily life. Her hearing disability has made her sensitive to deaf “jokes” such as “what, are you deaf?” and she will beat anyone up who makes fun of her because of it. Georgie Porgie ran away, but Ciara St. George is not afraid to break your nose.
First Impression "Is she flirting with me? Damn, she is..."
Appearance Short and extremely adorable, with rosey cheeks and a childlike little smile. She looks like the quintessential German kid - almost like a Hummel figurine. She wears cute and stylish t-shirts and jeans when she's not in her work-appropriate attire. She carries herself as if she's always in a hurry, even if she doesn't have anywhere to be, and there's a bounce in her step that she wants to get rid of but cannot. She appears to be pretty much the epitome of a perpetual child.
Relationship To Georgie Porgie Ciara has been reincarnated several times since she was Georgie, which has helped take away some of the cowardice that the original Tale suffered from. However, she is still desperately and hopelessly coy. She has been known to kiss and run. She is indifferent to the community, at best, and feels cursed by her status as Mother Goose’s famous philanderer.
Mannerisms Talking with her hands (whether signing or just gesturing); eye-contact; tapping her foot when she's listening to people talk.
Scent Citrus, like a sweet-tasting fruity beverage.
Hair Color Brown.
Eye Color Green-brown.
Height Five foot three.
Weight 120 lbs.
Status Single. Very single.
Sexuality Heterosexual.
Religion Pssh, bitch, please.
Likes Reading; Helping people express themselves; Martinis; Kissing; The film It's A Wonderful Life.
Dislikes Commitment; Bastards; Bastards who want to commit.
Turn-ons Sweet talk; Dirty talk; Men who obviously want her; Men who seem intimidated by her.
Turn-offs Commitment.
Played-By Lady Sovereign. [
Mun Sara ♥
racistdragon (cdj)
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~DISCLAIMER~ I am not Ciara St. George. Georgie Porgie is totally a Nursery Rhyme that I am not creative enough to have written and Lady Sovereign is far cooler than me. However, Ciara belongs to me. A lot of time and thought has gone into this character, so please do not steal her and use her on another site or I will hunt you down and cry in your face. And no one wants that.