The band did really well at last night's game! So exciting! Friday night's game was.... okay... but Saturday! MAN! I'm too lazy to put it in my own words.... so here are Rob's
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Nose: andy Elbow: aZ bndty6 Tongue: ancdhyy Chin: asn mcfyh Feet: asnjkddyh Eyes closed and one finger: amfi Back of hand: qAZWJNH MDERYU Palm: as nmdfhyuj Wrist: asn bmdcjm Forehead:azn mbdy67 uth
It's gettin' to be that time of the semester again... lotsa papers to write and stuff... I'm only taking 15 credits but I'm still pretty stressed
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Got back from another weekend at home, this time with Rob, Michelle, and our friend Angela, who stayed at Michelle's house for the weekend
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1.) Copy and paste this into your journal: <*font color="yourusername"> <*b>yourusername<*/b> <*/font> 2.) [Eliminate the asterisks] 3.) See what color you are