From Twitter 05-06-2011

May 07, 2011 04:01

  • The Best Warrior competition qualifier for Reserve & National Guard is this week at McCoy. So hard not to make catty comments.
  • Mike & I are discussing inappropriate gifts/giveaways for Mother's Day/Military Spouse Appreciation Day.
  • Let's just say Ft. McCoy MWR is doing it wrong.
  • I'm feeling really snarky today. So.. If I knew I was going to be on TV, I think I would put makeup on. Maybe even do my hair.
  • I guess the college student speaking for local children's museum didn't think makeup & hair were that important for being on TV.
  • I should probably be impressed she wasn't in jeans or sweats & a hoodie.
  • @ Bluraven LOL! I've been real good lately at NOT being snarky. Pent up snark being released to day!
  • Alright. To be serious for a moment. HAPPY MILITARY SPOUSE APPRECIATION DAY. To all my sisters & brothers worldwide: THANK YOU.
  • The mayor of La Crosse looks like a 17 year old. And that's being generous.
  • RT @ABC: VIDEO: Good News at the Gas Pump: Crude Oil Price Drop Could Spell Relief
  • RT @MilitaryAvenue: Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! #constantcontact
  • I am thinking about Military Spouse Day @ GetGlue #MilitarySpouseDay
  • RT @ssoper: You call it Friday, I call it one less day til the next episode of Game of Thrones
  • RT @Martin_Dempsey: Remember, that today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. They are the glue that holds us together. I want to thank ...
  • We have a robin nesting on our front porch. She is highly irritated by us using our front door.
  • Listen little bird. You chose to rent in the little birdy duplex. This is not a luxury mansion with privacy gate. Chill out.
  • RT @TWCBreaking: Mississippi River @ Memphis now sitting at its second highest level on record this AM: 45.9 feet #flood
  • RT @USArmy: Join us in saluting #military spouses in honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Have you thanked a #milspouse recently?...
  • RT @Op_Homefront: "When a member of our Armed Forces is deployed, an entire family is called to serve" #milfamilies
  • RT @JoiningForces: May 6: Military Spouse Appreciation Day -- a chance to show service members we're taking care of families at home: ht ...
  • Headed to Muffins with Mom @ my daughter's school! Guess they haven't seen that Betty White sketch....
  • RT @KidCrave: Go The F**k To Sleep
  • Don't know why I haven't watched this sooner. @ GetGlue #GetTribeca
  • The sun is shining. The windows are open. Got a walk in visiting yard sales in walking distance. I declare this a GOOD DAY. #fb
  • RT @DoleNutrition: Got dry eyes? Go fish! Research found that 70% patients w/ a fish-oil supplemented diet had no symptoms after 90 days ...
  • @ TheRock you know who else brings it? Military Spouses! Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Hooah!
  • Poor Jack. Sounds like he has allergies. (But YEA! We are warm enough to have pollen!)
  • RT @RideSchwinn: Not only do WE think our BIKE IT FWD sweepstakes on FB is awesome, but so does the world! Thanks ...
  • Born Rich was a pretty good documentary so I thought I'd check this one out too. @ GetGlue #TheOnePercent
  • Please tell me I'm not the only freak that will google a phone number that I don't recognize on the CallerID.
  • I have no idea what is for dinner. I have stuff for burgers & dogs (sweet potato fries!), but I don't do the grilling in this house.
  • OMG The intro has me gagging. Ew. @ GetGlue #KitchenNightmares
  • RT @DramaBeats: Instagram has successfully turned 50% of my normal friends into artsy emo photographers.
  • I don't know what's more gross, the food or the gum under the tables. #KitchenNightmares
  • As a tall person who's knees often hit the underside of tables I appreciate clean tables. Gum's hard 2 get out of pants. #KitchenNightmares
  • @ shannashedevil I'm shocked the whole nights customers didn't end up in the hospital.
  • I feel like I got a sunburn today but only on my face. My face is on fire.
  • RT @FRINGEonFOX: The cast of #Fringe thanks YOU for all your continued support - hint: look out for this week's sec ...
  • @ TheLadyJess I loved it!
  • Season finale. Mixed feelings of excitement and sadness. @ GetGlue #Fringe
  • I earned the Doomsday Machine Blueprints sticker on @GetGlue!
  • Check @ GetGlue #Camelot
  • Gonna have to catch the 1st 10mins if Camelot later. DVR went all screwy when I switched channels. Froze up.
  • Also #Fringe rocked my world tonight. It's going to be a long wait for the next season.

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