♢ Ticky remembers being a human very clearly, and he enjoyed those times, though he won't talk about them in specifics (until I get Actual Flashback info). However, certain things he will say is that:
♢ He's an orphan, and was raised in an orphanage until he took permanently to the streets
♢ He made money in whatever way was immediately convenient, from theft, gambling, cheating, to selling himself.
♢ He had a number of friends, they would come or go, live and die, work with him or move on. He was fond of them in a somewhat detached manner.
♢ He's always been smarter than he acts, and was something of a go-to guy when things needed to be done. Despite this, it was largely street smarts, and he had no interest in learning to read or anything, which is why he didn't know how until he became a Noah.
♢ He's also always known he has a pretty face. It scored him extra cash at some, ahem, jobs. But since a lot of the people he respected growing up (other hobos) were certainly not pretty, and he was probably made fun of for it, he really doesn't CARE that much unless it's immediately being useful.
♢ His interest in 'being a man' starts from these years. It has less to do with typical manly actions (sports, drinking, womanizing etc, though he liked all of those) and more to do with baring responsibility, facing forward, and making what you want of your own life.
♢ Though he never tried, he really didn't have the opportunity to attend school.
♢ He would steal from school kids though, or flirt with school girls.
♢ Though not always moving from town to town, he became fond of it at some point, and never really stopped train hopping.
♢ Despite being a 'hobo', as he got older he made most of his money legally. He's worked a LOT OF jobs, ranging from farm work, factory work, mines, construction, logging, etc.
♢ Because of this, he's got basic know-how on a lot of life skills. He can, among other things, sew, weld, install glass/tile/basic plumbing, lay brick, butcher live stock, hoe a field, milk cows, etc.
♢ Becoming a Noah wasn't the first time Ticky was cleaned up and put in a suit. He totally got picked off the streets for LAST MINUTE SERVANT HELP BIG PARTY EAT ALL THE LEFTOVERS YOU WANT type situation and went whoo \o/ meeee. So he was dragged in, made to bathe, shave, and shoved in a suit that only needed a few pins to look tailored. He wasn't an AMAZING servant, but wasn't a bad one either. He kept eating food off to the side, though. And got hit on by quite a few tipsy women. The hostess got TIRED OF THIS and kicked him out toward the end of the night. He stole some nice silverware on his way out.
♢ Though a thief and liar and general ruffian, Ticky did have a good reputation as being a reliable worker and friend among his breed. He never thought about it much, nor worked hard to gain/keep that reputation. It's pretty much just naturally how he is.
♠ Ticky actually considers acting like a lord the most obnoxious part of his existence as a Noah. Though he has two lives, he is very particular about the fact that neither of them are fake. Pretending to be interested in dance, politics, and pretty fluff-brained young woman IS a lie and a very, very dull one.
♠ However, he doesn't really mind the other aspects of being a lord. He genuinely likes most of the clothes, the servants, the beds, the good food, and while he still doesn't consider it 'his thing' can understand why people get so fanatical over having all of it.
♠ That said. Being in full lord dress is something that's fun once in a while. And if he can't wear hobo clothes all the time, prefers to go with just pants and button down.
♠ And he LIKES the leather pants, and they look good. And he's hot.
♠ Ticky can use Earl Magic to go from full hobo mode to full lordling mode in an instant. But generally speaking he'd prefer to just change clothes.
♠ Ticky's closet is rather well organized. He has a rack for pants, shirts, coats... etc. Grouped by fabric, then color. Except for the 'pile in the corner' which is where all of his hobo gear goes.
♠ Ticky looevs his Tease and thinks they are the prettiest thing he's ever had. But since saying that is NOT MANLY and would result in him getting made fun of. He doesn't.
♠ It took Ticky a while to get used to sleeping on comfortable, fluffy beds when he first became a Noah, and would frequently relocate to less stuffed couches or chairs.
♠ Ticky was not at ALL philosophical until he became a Noah. Though he had certain Rules To Live By, he never thought deeply about humanity or it's actions, or his power in his own life, until he started going crazy.
♠ None-the-less he was never stupid, so rationalizing his obvious change in mindset and how it was effecting him/was likely to effect him in the future lead to a lot of introspection.
♠ If you want to be technical, on some level Ticky's rather bitter about the fact that his life has been thrown from one end of the spectrum to the other by choices he never got to make. But since he doesn't want to be a bitter, whiny (UN-MANLY) person, he insists he made his own choices. Which is also true.
♠ Due to the whole "Noah are the Earl's sacrifices" thing, Ticky rather expected to be dead by now.
♠ The deck of cards Ticky uses was a gift from the Earl. He only has ONE deck now, so whatever people think about how he cheats, he uses only the one deck to do it.
♠ One of the parts of his white life that Ticky can't cover up is the boyish part of him that likes COOL THINGS. Like space ships, robots, and talking dinosaurs.
♠ The pierced ears are mostly Sherril's fault. He insisted Ticky would look DASHING, and then showed up with earings one day. Ticky allowed it because he could always take them out and let them heal, but he ended up liking them.
♠ Back home, Ticky would be sent a lot of gifts from various pining noblewomen. He eats the food and throws the rest of it away, rather than donating it to charity, assuming the ambitious will be going through their trash to get what's worthwhile, and ambition deserves a reward.
♠ Though not notably bad at it, Ticky can't really cook. He just has enough common sense to make decent meals or follow recipes.
♠ Given the choice, he likes homemade meals with a lot of meat and carbs, but will eat anything. He will even eat anything raw. He never gains any weight, because the tease eat all of the excess.
♠ When really drunk in his black mode, Ticky starts haphazardly playing with his powers. He's never actually killed anyone like this, but doesn't rule out the possibility. Killing someone while drunk would just be a waste, rather like a one night stand with a really hot woman that you didn't perform well for and won't get a second chance at. As such, he doesn't get smashed often when in his black mode.
♠ And it takes a LOT to get him smashed.
♠ Though, Sherrill's probably taken advantage of him at least once when he was Very Tipsy.
♠ Ticky did start reading the bible once. And he got bored the first time it started doing a list of names. So.... basically he's read the first bit about Adam and Eve, and that's it.
♠ Ticky both does and doesn't like being the Earl's assassin. He has no issues with killing exorcists, but killing random strangers he knows nothing about has less appeal. There is no connection, they don't know what they 'did wrong', there is nothing to torment them about, and it basically provides less of the distractions he enjoys. Still, he DOES enjoy killing people, and Ticky isn't one to split hairs.
♠ While he's NEVER considered himself a artist, and doesn't think of what he does to corpses as artistic, since becoming a Noah (or since becoming a Lord?) he's started to really recognize the attractive qualities of things which look clean, dramatic, and subtly just wrong. This is why, though not very religious, he hangs bodies in crosses, weaves chains into their organs, and doesn't get blood everywhere.
♠ Similarly. Repeat performances just aren't as fun. He wants to kill someone once, do it right, and move on. This is the primary reason he's not a mass murderer, and doesn't repeatably kill the same people (Abel being an exception).
♠ Killing people aside, Ticky's clever but rather straightforward, and isn't terribly creative. His power would be VASTLY more dangerous in the hands of someone with a creative imagination and a decent grasp of science.
♠ "I'm not willing to die for this" isn't a thought Ticky has ever really had. He's very much an all or nothing guy, and doesn't divide things up by risk. He doesn't WANT to die, he's just very zen about the fact that it will happen and he doesn't worry about it, or place special note on the possibility that it might happen. As such, he'd be willing to die for a friend as well as a cause.
♠ This is DIFFERENT from Ticky's issues about HOW HUMANS GIVE IN AND DIE because humans generally WANT to live, just not enough to endure whatever they are going through atm. Ticky will endure anything for what he WANTS he just isn't particularly attached to living.
♠ All in all, Ticky feels the Noah is vastly larger and stronger than himself, virtually unstoppable. This is why he LAUGHS at the idea of Allen separating them, and thinks it's incredibly naive that Allen would even have the thought.
♡ The genki, touchy, loud, fun way Ticky acts in his white life is 100% genuine and not forced. He is, deep under his Noah Training, a happy, dorky exuberant guy.
♡ But it still SEEMS KIND OF WEIRD to act that way when dressed like a young nobleman, and taught a culture where that sort of thing is utterly not okay, so it really doesn't occur to him to act like that in his black life.
♡ Ticky is all around more confident, comfortable, and happier as his white self.
♡ Which isn't to say that he's unhappy as his black self. But his Black life is more firmly on the side of PLEASURE, the Noah and sating that desire, where as the White life lives predominantly within the loophole of simple Fun and Comfort.
♡ He knows, though, that this IS a loophole and it's why he will eventually lose his white life completely, never his black.
♡ Since Ticky no longer has anyone doing his laundry, you can probably spot White!Ticky doing Black!Ticky's laundry sometimes, but never his own.
♡ In general, Ticky is legitimately a Very Handy Worker. He's quick, reliable, doesn't complain much, only expects his fair share, and honestly enjoys work for the sake of work. This is true to both his white life and his black. Note that, Allen excepting, he's the only Noah to kill everyone he was assigned to get rid of. And EVERYONE ELSE only had to kill one person.
♡ Ticky lacks an ear for music, but knows a hell of a lot of inappropriate bar songs.
♣ Ticky is not one to get attached to physical items, and as such has no objects he really cares about. While he still has the buttons of the exorcists he's killed, that's because, in his mind, they belong to Eas and he needs to give them over.
♣ Since camp is such a SHIFTING MASS, facts which aren't regularly presented to Ticky tend to be quickly forgotten. I.E. his boyfriend turns into a dog when hugged by girls. Exorcists other than Allen Walker and Rabi are even In Camp. Roy is still mad at him over dying horribly. Etc. Along with the names of faces of just about everyone he doesn't talk to regularly.
♣ That said, once someone leaves an imprint it's pretty much stuck. Ticky doesn't notice or care about the business of people leaving camp/returning without their memories and what not. He doesn't notice it, tends to forget they've forgotten, and doesn't distinguish them as different people.
♣ Which is why he'll always be reasonably fond of Roxas, regardless of how twitchy and mistrustful new!Roxas is of him.
♣ Unless there is an actual reason not to, if people ask Ticky to do something he'll generally do it. People tend to get stuck on the whole "you're a crazy murderer" thing, but outside of that, he doesn't see a lot of issue with taking an extra few steps to help someone out.