MW was a single day rather than a weekend event this year, and
vox8 and
alasais did a wonderful job. They handled last minute and on-site issues issues with grace and calm, even if they were screaming on the inside (I've been in charge, I know what it's like). George Ploppy did an amazing job with the food. Even more amazing, considering this was only his 3rd (maybe 4th) event and only his 2nd working in the kitchen. My favorite thing (besides
vox8's cinnamon tart, which has been described as an orgasm in your mouth) was the pork. I don't typically like pork at event, but this was tender and had the most wonderful spices that permeated the meat.
I assisted the A&S officer with running the competition. We only had 9 entries, but they were all very good quality. We had far more judges than we could use - a wonderful thing and not something that always happens. There was only one performing arts entry, which is really a shame considering the wonderful acoustics of this hall.
alasais and I had planned on entering a duet, but with things cropping up last minute she had to deal with, we decided it was more important for her to concentrate on the event. Which is probably a good thing, since I woke up that Saturday morning with a horrible sore throat/swollen right lymph node. If we use that site again, I definitely will make sure I have something to enter. There were also classes throughout the day, but I did not take any. Not really interested in scroll-making or bobbin lace, and I had already taken the Islamic Geometric Patterns class. I didn't help with the dance class (busy entering scores and totals into the database), but, thanks to always having my dance bag with me, I was able to give some basic dance information to two new dancers. Must remember to print more copies to carry with me!
Court was short but eventful. In Kingdom court, two very talented ladies were told they would be elevated to the Order of the Laurel at some later date of their choosing. My foster apprentice brother Mikal Isernfocar was awarded the Meridian Cross. In Baronial court, we gave awards for MWA&S Champion (highest overall score), Populace Choice, and Skill Level (4 levels based on Kingdom A&S award the entrant has and previous Kingdom A&S scores in the same category). The Baron and Baroness named me as the Baronial A&S Champion. I'm told the look of surprise on my face was rather humorous. I hope I can live up to even half of the nice things the Baron said about me. The token they gave me to wear is a white square of fabric with the Baronial populace badge and the A&S symbol painted on it.
vox8, as the previous A&S Champion, gave me these words of wisdom (or as close I can remember): If your token is not dirty when it is your turn to pass it on, you are not doing it right! I have several ideas that I want to discuss with others as far as things I can do as champion to encourage A&S. We'll see what happens. :-)
peteyfrogboy and Mistress Jadi ran a combined revel after court. We started with a set of 4 dances (6 if you count the bransles individually) that he and I are trying to make a standard for beginning revels. That way everyone knows exactly what the first 4 dances of any revel will be. We also did one of the new improv, anyone-can-do-this dances we learned at Saltare we call "The Pinwheel Game." Apparently, it is just as fun to watch as it is to do. Mistress Jadi has been teaching a series of classes once a month on Classical Persian Dance, and most (if not all) of us dancing were her students. It was so much fun to incorporate what she had been teaching us with live musicians. I can't wait to try it with something other than drums. We even did a little "choreographed" section. Now I REALLY want to make that linen cotehardie with the Turkish coat.