
Jan 21, 2005 16:56

Here's an awesome cd that I made today ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

hatzosfunnykid January 21 2005, 14:57:01 UTC
ya know another good metal song? This Dying Soul


andrew4082 January 22 2005, 16:10:08 UTC
once you listen to something like demon of the fall, deliverance, the moor, or the drapery falls, you will know that this dying soul is merely a hard rock song. there is no more of a metal band than opeth!!!



hatzosfunnykid January 22 2005, 16:33:06 UTC
send me some stuff sometime


andrew4082 January 22 2005, 16:44:41 UTC
I don't download music...it's stealing, so you'll have to take my word on it and go to harmony house and buy the cds if you wanna hear it.


cheesysausage16 January 22 2005, 08:49:51 UTC
Andrew.. you never came and then my mommy said i had to leave.. and took me over to kylas.. i waited till like 6!!!



andrew4082 January 22 2005, 16:11:49 UTC
I was too there...I waited for about 10 minutes. You were nowhere to be seen. I can get the cds to you by monday. Sorry.


cheesysausage16 January 22 2005, 17:49:28 UTC
Now i feel bad :(


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