Title: Maybe...
Rating: PG
Pairing: Andrew/Warren
Disclaimer: None of the geeks are mine. Even if I want them to be.
Note: For the
contrelamontre frustrated lust challenge. I think this constitutes as frustrated lust for Andrew...because he's not quite like other people. Written in 35 minutes.
Andrew had a crush. Nobody knew about it. Not Jonathan, who he’d known since childhood. Not his parents who he barely saw anymore, and barely acknowledged his existence. Not Tucker, who Andrew hadn’t seen since Tucker graduated. Not Buffy and her Scooby gang who merely identified him as Tucker’s brother-- though perhaps they didn’t really count because of that. Not Warren…
Andrew sighed. He had been staring at the same comic book page for hours. Well, maybe not hours. A long time though. Andrew glanced up. Jonathan was working on some sort of device-- Andrew couldn’t remember what it was--looking all useful and efficient. Warren had his head bent over pages and pages of plans.
Warren was smart. An evil genius. He was like Superman, only with red Kryptonite. OR maybe he was more like Lex Luthor, but Lex never won and Superman always prevailed. Besides, Superman with red Kryptonite worked better for the metaphor Andrew was working out in his head. Warren was Superman and Andrew was Jimmy Olsen, but with a video camera instead of a regular camera. Andrew had given up filming a while ago. Filming Warren writing out complex plans and Jonathan fiddling with tools wasn’t that exciting. Andrew wasn’t sure where Jonathan fit in his metaphor, and Andrew would really rather be…Warren was more like Lex Luthor anyways.
Andrew sighed again. Jonathan just rolled his eyes, but when Warren looked up, he smiled and winked at Andrew. Andrew smiled back.
Andrew looked back down at the comic book, still smiling slightly. He was going to have dreams again tonight. The kind that made him wake up all twisted in the sheets and sweaty. He always did when Warren smiled at him like that. If only Warren…but Warren liked girls.
Sometimes Andrew thought if he was loyal enough, and proved…maybe, just maybe… If Andrew stuck with Warren, followed faithfully, maybe… After all, Warren did smile at him like that, so maybe… Andrew would just have to wait and see.