my drama

Jun 24, 2009 13:39

waves ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

grrarrg0908 June 24 2009, 19:37:05 UTC
*Hugs, kisses, misses*

Just promise me you won't disappear forever, even if you write me a letter or a postcard.



OT: The SSHG Quiz morethansirius October 9 2009, 15:48:47 UTC
Sometimes it seems as though Snape is always pulling Granger away from her Hogwarts leaving ceremony so they can get married.  The stories on today's quiz_sshg show a more convoluted route to happiness.  In this quiz, Snape has been married or engaged to another woman prior to hooking up with Miss Granger.

Your story, The Triangle, fits this theme perfectly and is featured as a red herring title on today's SSHG Quiz. Please accept this Featured Author's banner as our way of thanking you for the enjoyment your story have given to its many readers.

Come play the SSHG Married To Another Quiz!


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