Vidoe Game meme.

Mar 24, 2006 09:35

Taken from Porom. ^^

1. What was the first video game you have ever played?: The very first video game I ever played would be..... *wracks brain* I remember a really old computer at one of my great aunts/uncles' house that had a face making game on it, which for some reason I got a kick out of at the time. Either that, or one of my sister's Game & Watch games where the little guy jumps from rock to rock, avoiding alligators or somesuch.

2. What was your first console?: First console I played on, probably Atari, first to own, NES.

3. Have you ever visited a video game arcade?: Definately, and if we still had a good one in town, I'd be there every week or so.

4. What was your first handheld?: The original, huge/grey Gameboy. Which I still have tucked away somewhere. ^^

5. What was the first game you've beaten/cleared completely? (Got to the last level/got 100%/beat high score, etc.): Gosh that's a tough one, I'd probably have to say Legend of Zelda for NES. That's the first game of any considerable length that I beat 100% I think. (and by 100% I mean, the first AND second time through the game where everything switches around as well.)

6. Games based off of real sports: Yay or Nay?: Except for busting out an old NHL game every now and then, a definite NAY.

7. Online games: Yay or nay?: FFXI ftw!

8. Do you play any Massively Multiplayer Online RPG games? (MMORPGs?): Erm, as previously mentioned.

9. Do you play any virtual pet games? (Neopets, Teripets, Aftermathzone, etc.): I've played Neopets before, but not anytime lately.

10. Puzzle games and Strategy games: Yay or Nay?: Strategy games definately, puzzle games if done really well. (i.e. Lumines)

11. Do you play any RPGs?: Tons of RPG's. I just bought Oblivion, and I don't even have a 360 yet. But I know that once I do, I'm gonna play the heck out of it.

12. Do you play any Platformer games?: Not very often, just the occasional ones that really pique my interest. (Shadow of the Colossus, Kameo etc)

13. What was the first game/console/handheld of yours that stopped working?: Hmm..... I still have my original NES, SNES, gave away my ps1, Gameboy, GBA SP, Dreamcast... I guess my first console that had a problem would be my first PS2, it stopped having the multiplayer adapter work on it for some reason. I replaced it but it still worked. Also bought a Sega Saturn from someone, but it never worked.


14. Do you actually care if a game has a plot or do you just play games for the gameplay?: Plot is definately an important part of games. But gameplay would be slightly more important in my opinion. I'll play a game if it's fun even if the plot sucks. (Super Mario Brothers anyone?) If the gameplay sucks however it's hard to even get through the plotline even if it's great.

15. Name a few video game characters that are your favorites.: Ultros, Locke, Link, Slime, Tonberry, Carbuncle, Mothra, Yuna (before FFX2 bleh), Vivi, Zidane, Cid (I'd pick a particular Cid, but they're all fun in some way), Kefka, LuBu, Quistis, Sephiroth, Lucca, Gato, Nina (Favorite probably from BoF 2, but they're all fun), Kat, Rand... I could go on, but it does say to just name a few.

16. Name a few series that are your favorites: Final Fantasy, Romance of the three Kingdoms, Mario Brothers, Breath of Fire, Zelda.

17. Has a video game ever made you cry?: Probably a handful of times. FFVII, I wont say the part in case someone hasn't played it.

18. Has a video game character annoyed you so much that you wanted him removed from the game? If so, name the character.: From the small amount I played ICO, I'd have to list Yorda as a definite one.

19. Do you "pair" or "ship" characters up with one another? (make/create/write romance involving them): Don't remember writing any romance about characters, but I definately pick favorite couples.

20. Do you write video game fanfiction?: I've made some cartoons about Ultros, but no fanfiction really.

21. Do you draw video game fanart?: A few times.

22. Do you come up with theories on how a character came to be/what he or she would do in a situation/why he or she is moody/etc.: If it's not covered in the plot, then I usually come up with something.

23. Are you a "fanboy" or "fangirl" of any character?: Hmm.... Maybe Nina.

Boss Battles/Villains

24. Hardest Boss Battle: The last level in Mutant Virus for NES. Took me forever to beat that game. Extremely tough.

25. Most Frustrating Boss Battle: Kingdom Hearts last battle, takes friggin forever and my game bugged after a good hour or more of fighting.

26. Most Rewarding Boss Battle: Fenrir (FFXI), possibly because it actually took about a year and a half before I got to fight him.

27. Funnest Boss Battle: Ultros ftw!

28. Most Boring Boss Battle: Gorgon, in Birthright, probably because it usually bugs up, and you damage him a tiny bit, then have to wait a minute, repeat.

29. Boss Battle that dragged out for a long, long time: Hmm, probably Kingdom hearts again.

30. Boss Battle with the coolest music: Umm, Sephiroth hands down (IMO).

31. Most Surprising Boss Battle: Ozmos, because one of my friends said it was impossible and he was at a higher level, and I beat him fairly easily.

32. What's your all time favorite villain?: Look at my avatar. :P (Ultros)

33. What's your all time least favorite villain?: The overlord thing from Growlanser 2. ;_;

34. Do you ever feel sorry for the villains?: The answer to #33, also Ultros. I think Ultros was misunderstood, and could have become an ally if handled properly.

35. Are there any villains that seem like they should be playing for the good guys, but aren't?: I keep answering these questions right before they ask them.

36. Most malicious villain: Kefka, he's just pure evil.

37. Most surprising villain: Garland in FFIX. Wasn't expecting to see him ever again.


39. What's your favorite 3D game? (PS1/N64/Saturn generation): Hmmm, I'll go with Final Fantasy 7-9. (7, if I have to pick just oen)

40. What's your favorite arcade game?: Ohhh, I loved the original X-men game on arcade. Also, the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

41. What's your favorite next-gen game? (Gamecube/PS2/Dreamcast/X-Box): This question is now outdated. I'd say FFX, Tales of Symphonia, and Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Oh! and FFXI.

41b. What Next-Gen game are you most looking forward to, or like the most? (XB360, Revolution, PS3): Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey.

42. Sequels/long series: Yay or nay?: Yay, for the most part. Unless they make it suck (FFX-2).

43. What's your favorite Online Game?: FFXI.

44. What's your favorite console?: Overall I'd probably say the PS2, but SNES a definate close runner up.

45. What's your favorite handheld?: A close tie between the PSP and the GBA. GBA wins in games, PSP wins in functionality.

46. Have you ever got yourself involved in a "console war"? (arguing that a console is better than another console): Daily. @_@

47. Have you ever defended a character/game/console you liked in an argument? Which one?: Game and characters: Quite often. Ultros/FFVI. PS2/SNES/GameCube/PSP.

48. Name a game that you like but everyone else seems to hate.: FFXI.

49. Name a character that you like but everyone else seems to hate.: Kimahri, went back a second time through the game, just to max him out.

50. Name a game that you hate but everyone else seems to like.: People come into the store all the time raving about this or that sports game. I'd have to say sportsgames in general.

51. Name a character that you hate but everyone else seems to love.: Hmmm, can't think of one at the moment. Besides something generic like Tony hawk.


52. Have you ever stopped before you finished a game because it was too frustrating to go on?: Kingdom hearts, just downloaded the ending, because I didn't want to play through an hour+ boss battle again just to have it freeze up.

53. Will you stop at NOTHING to get 100% in a video game?: Depends on the game, Breath of Fire 3 I went through and tried to get 99 of a really rare item and was at 83 before my PS1 super memory card crashed with all my old games on it.

54. Have you ever injured yourself at a video game? (Space Invader wrist and Mario Party 1 blister victims may answer yes): I've gotten blisters before, quite a few times. Latest would probably be with Super Smash Brothers Melee.

55. Has a horror/survival genre video game scared you to the point that you refused to finish the game? Did you get nightmares from said game?: I love scary games. I've probably had some Resident Evil styled nightmares. That hasn't stopped me from finishing them.

56. Have you ever thrown a controller/disc/cartridge in a fit of frustration?: Almost, I like taking care of my video game stuff too much though.

57. Do you need to blow/clean certain games to get them to play?: Any old NES/SNES games, usually. People give me weird looks at work when I blow in a GBA game that doesn't load up right, but it usually fixes it.

58. Have you ever played a game for so long that you missed sleep over it?: Gosh, just about any FF game, BoF game, and countless others.

59. Were you ever involved in the Pokemon craze?: I missed out on it for the most part.

60. Last but not least: Do you picture yourself playing video games 10, 20, or 30 years from now?: Of course, not only that, but I plan to be working with video games for that amount of time as well.

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