Два работяги -маляр и штукатур бухнули в самолете.И совершили ужасное преступление ненависти-они назвали эскимоса эскимосом.Да еще сказали что он пахнет.
С работы уволили обоих.Одного еще и жена бросила.Теперь оба каются и плачут, посыпая годову пеплом.
И это все что вам нужно знать о свободе слова в Канаде.
https://nationalfile.com/canada-men-fired-for-saying-eskimo-in-private-conversation/ The two men, Dave Beck and Thomas Scott are both from St. John’s, Newfoundland, worked primarily as plasterers and painters.
The men had been working a hotel renovation project in Nalcor-owned Churchill Falls for around three weeks, which was overseen by a Mount Pearl company called Kankote Enterprises, according to CBC.
Beck pinned his behavior on the fact that he had too much to drink.
In an interview with CBC, Beck said: “I know that’s no excuse for the remarks I made, my words that hurt so many people, especially Indigenous people. I’m not a racist. I would say culturally uneducated. Culturally illiterate.”
Scott chimed in, saying: “I’m sick to my stomach. I can’t eat. My family is ashamed of me. And I feel bad for the people that we disrespected. I feel very sorry about that.”
On his firing, Beck went onto say: “My job is gone. One of the best employers I ever had. I have no income now whatsoever. I’ll live on my savings until that’s gone and we’ll take it from there, I guess.
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