Title: Too Much (Prompt #022)
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Greg Goyle
Author's Notes: The first letter to Mrs. Davis (and her response) and 5/30 overall. Abbs is Abelinda- Greg's younger sister.
Mrs. Davis,
It has come to my attention that Tracey may not be as safe as we were promised. The headmistress doesn't comprehend what muttering, plotting, and sending letters that should never have been sent can possibly mean. She was a Gryffindor, Ma'am. Surely you, a fellow Slytherin, can understand my concern when Trace mentioned plotting and Vincent Crabbe watching her menacingly while conversing with Adrian Pucey. Is it too much for me to ask this of you? I am to stay here- out of reach. I can't help Tracey, but you can.
Please consider using your influence in this matter.
Gregory V. Goyle
(Tell Abbs that she is in my thoughts. I dare not send her any letters in fear of someone finding her. I appreciate you taking her in and looking after her. I don't know how I will ever repay you.)
There is no need to worry about Tracey's safety, really there isn't. While I understand that your position away from Britain is a precarious one, and that we must keep your whereabouts hidden from those we once considered friends, I promise you that there is very little danger posed toward my daughter while she is in Minerva McGonnagal's care. In fact, I'm quite sure that the reasoning behind Vincent's bad behaviour is because Mr. Davis has refused his father's advances for a match between them once Hogwarts is over. As for Pucey, he was not a whit happy that he was refused either. I'm sure that Tracey just caught them both licking their wounds together. I hope you know Tracey well enough to know how she would react to an arrangement of that sort anyway. There are very few young men we would consider connecting her to without it being her idea, very few indeed, and we are both well aware that you would likely have the final say, as she differs to your judgement in almost all things anyway.
I'll pass on your message to Abelinda. I'm sure she misses you terribly. Perhaps I will encourage her to write Tracey. That way she can feel closer to you without either of you giving away your whereabouts to anyone who may stumble upon your correspondence. I know Tracey is guarding that information with her life.
Take care of yourself, young man. Not only for your sake, but for mine as well. If having you away has made my daughter this hard to live with I don't want to think about what she would be like if you were hurt or, Merlin forbid, killed.
Maeve Davis
Whittom Park, Richmond-Upon-Thames, London