Title: Arrival and a promise
Character Pairing: Tracey/Greg
Rating: G
Word Count: 457
Summary: Greg arrives in America and promises himself that he can do this...without Maeve. Or so he hopes.
Author's notes: This takes place prior to the
10_letters prompts. It is the first in a series that will chronicle Greg's time in America.
Arrival and a promise
Greg sighed heavily, not truly listening to a word the older man was saying. His mind wasn't here, in North Carolina, but back in Britain with Tracey, his Maeve, and in Belgium with his baby sister. But, he conceded, mostly with Maeve. He knew that Abbs was as protected as possible- her location totally secret just as his was. Maeve, however, was still going back to Hogwarts despite his vehement protests. He knew how important it was to hide from his parents murderers. He didn't have to like it though.
Greg looked up sharply, dragging his eyes away from the eastern sky. His fist clenched around the strap of the knapsack which held everything he had wanted to bring with him, shrunken of course. "I'm sorry, Sir," he said softly. "My mind was elsewhere."
man, just sighed. "No 'sir' necessary, son. You can call me Enisi if you'd like."
Greg's brow furrowed as he attempted the unfamiliar word. "E- ni- si?"
"That or Daniel," he replied with a small smile. "Enisi means grandfather in our language, which I technically am to you now."
"I'm a Goyle," Greg retorted hotly. "Wait, what did McGonagall do?"
Daniel waved his hand toward an unfamiliar vehicle, though Greg knew enough from Muggle Studies to know that it was a vehicle. He'd never been more grateful for Tracey's insistence that he take that class than he was at the moment. He didn't think he could handle any more unfamiliarity. "Climb in and I'll explain along the way."
"What is this?" Greg said, feeling like an arse for snarling at the kindly man who had risked his family, his whole tribe, to keep an unknown young man safe. Settling into the seat, he tucked his knapsack down at his feet.
"It's a
Jeep Wrangler and it belongs to young Alexi. I'm sure he and my grandson, Raven, won't hesitate to show you around."
Greg gripped the seat as Daniel roared away from the clearing Greg had Portkeyed into. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle any of this alone.
I need Maeve. His mind wasn't on Daniel's voice, even though he was yelling to be heard over the Jeep. He wasn't entirely sure how he would go at it alone, amongst strangers. He'd never been truly alone. His Maeve had always been there.
He made a promise to himself, as they approached his new home, Daniel's voice becoming background noise. He was certain Daniel couldn't hear him. "I will prove I can do this. For Maeve."
He only hoped he was strong enough to keep his promise.