Title:Finally (Prompt #030 Writer's choice)
Rating: near R for language
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Greg Goyle
Author's Notes: Wherein Greg applauds Draco opening his eyes to the truth.
[Greg's reply sent by the same route that Draco's letter arrived]
You stupid bastard I should let you pay for your sins Master Goyle and Master Malfoy are we now? Draco,
I take the charge. Did you honestly think I wouldn't?
Sneak her out of the castle (the instructions are attached), the people who can assure her safety are in place. It must, though I'm sure I don't need to explain this to you of all people, must look like she's been kidnapped if we're to succeed.
I won't say that you've been forgiven for the years and years of shite, but it is rather gratifying to be in a position to have Draco Malfoy owing me such a large boon. I will collect, make no mistake about that. You see, I'm a selfish bastard myself these days. You'll have to come to terms with that. Are you up to that challenge?
Get your sorry arse here as well. Have your mother call you home, McGonagall can't deny such a request in light of your ascension to the Head of the family. Can't say I won't be throwing quite the party to celebrate that bastard's demise I've attached instructions for your safe passage as well.
Don't fuck this up.
Master Gregory V. Goyle
Oh and, Draco, it's good to see that you've finally seen what I did. Took you years longer but not following blindly along with their plans already seems to work so much better for you.