Title: Confessions
Character Pairing: Draco/Blaise
Prompt: no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Rating: R (possibly, for language)
Word Count: 783
Summary: Takes place three years after prompt #12. The war is finally over and certain people have quite a few questions for the group secreted away.
Author's Notes: Canon? What is this canon you speak of? ;) Thirteen of thirteen. *gapes* It's done. Wow. Took me forever, sorry about that. Bonus if anyone sees the paraphrase from ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’. Also, there is a direct quote as well.
Link to Prompt Table:
This way... Draco wasn’t impressed by the posturing. Even going three years without the Almighty Chosen One and his two sidekicks wasn’t enough, at least to his way of thinking.
“You might want to stand down,” Blaise said angrily. “Do you know who you are insulting with your questions and accusations?”
“Five Death Eaters and apparently a betrayer of my family,” Weasley spat, his face bright red.
“You will stand down.”
Oh dear gods, Theo was past the point of livid. Draco didn’t blame him. A year and a half ago, he’d married Ginny in a simple, yet utterly and completely binding ceremony. Clearly, he was about to defend his wife. Hell, at this point it was taking all of his control not to join in. Only Blaise’s hand on his arm kept him from doing so.
“I’ll not listen to you,” Granger all but screeched. “I can’t believe Dumbledore allowed this!”
“Allowed what exactly?” Ginny was up and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Theo.
“Why are you defending them?” Potter demanded. “I was okay with them sending my girlfriend away to safety, not sending her away with Death Eaters.”
Draco winced, covering his eyes with his hand, though he peeked through his fingers. Vince and Greg had been Ginny’s firm allies and had said more than once that they would protect her once they were back out in the world and not stuck here any longer. It looked like that whole ‘protect her’ idea hadn’t been talk. Both of them looked very, very angry.
“You seem to think that we’re surprised by your appearance or that we fear you,” Greg said coldly. “The thing is that we aren’t and we don’t.”
“You should! You’ve been keeping my sister here!” Weasley’s voice was rising with every word and he looked as if he may explode.
“Do you hear me saying ‘Help help I’m being repressed’?”
Blaise hissed, stepping behind Draco, whispering, “Can I lay my bet on Mrs Nott?”
Chuckling, Draco dropped his hand just in case he needed his full field of vision to duck and cover.
“No one here is in need of rescue.” Vince had his wand in hand and crossed his arms over his chest. Draco knew the look on his face very well. It was the ‘I am about to toss my wand aside and kick your sorry arse’ look and he wasn’t joking either.
“Ginny, you are a child!” Granger exclaimed, shaking her head looking the picture of the condescending know-it-all Draco had always said she was.
“I turned seventeen three days after I got here. That was three years ago, Hermione. It is time for you three to leave.” Ginny slid her hand into Theo’s, her chin tipped up, showing the ickle heroes just what she had become. She was a Lady, in every sense of the word.
“As she said, I do believe it is time for you three to go.”
Draco turned, only years of control keeping his jaw from dropping open in shock. Dumbledore had arrived and he looked highly displeased. He looked over his shoulder to see the incredulous look in Blaise’s eyes as well. Good he wasn’t the only one stunned.
“Sir!” Potter protested.
“Harry, I told you over and again that none of these young men are or ever were Death Eaters.” Dumbledore turned to Weasley. “Your sister is not only an adult, but a married woman and part of the Founding Families now, Ronald.” While Weasley gaped like the pleb he was, Dumbledore turned his attention to Granger. “Miss Granger, I am highly disappointed in you. The war is over, the Death Eaters have been imprisoned and now is not the time to make baseless accusations.”
“I think it is time for my wife and I to leave,” Theo said in a deliberately calm tone. “I’m certain Gin would like to finally see her new home.”
Draco took Blaise’s hand, grinning wickedly. “We’re going as well. I never say no to alone time with my husband.” Barely resisting the urge to laugh, they strode past the gaping trio with Greg and Vince watching the scene closely, wands in hand. “Oh,” he added, looking over his shoulder. “The Founding Families will remember that you are a man of integrity, Professor Dumbledore. We’ll also not forget what was said here today. The war is over, our agreement has been fulfilled. Good day.”
He knew, without a doubt, that things were going to get very interesting and he couldn’t wait for it.