I'm inlove with a girl by the name of Kristine Catherine Kolb we hung out tonight, we were like all over eachother and stuff. I can't explain how much I love her.
So yeah, no Kristine for like 3 days, should suck. Worked today, again tomorrow, and I should get sunday off. get paidt omorrow my dearest kristine called me during my break and we chatted it up, and she will call me again tomorrow!
Not much to say, hung out with Kristine on Wednesday, she rocks alot. Me and tommy are prolly doing something tonight. so call me or im me if you want to hang out with us. working saturday and prolly sunday. toodles lovers.
This week has been fun, Sunday went to the show, was pretty fun, hung out with Kristine and her friend, and ofcourse the tommy came along did nothing on Monday as I recall. had to work yesterday, today we came home and went back up to Alpharetta and hung out with Kristine again. it was really fun. Report cards come out tomorrow, sigh. Real tired g'
Tooth and Nail tonight updating tomorrow about it talked to tori for like an hour and a half on my phone, now my minutes are low again, haha whatever she rocks. Toodles.
Went to a car show today, saw alot of kickin' cars. Bought my FSF ticket today with Toms. Tomorrow we shall hit the NP mall to visit with Kristine. Then Saturday I work but I get paid! Sunday I'm gonna sleep half the day, then go to FSF and see Kristine and hopefully Tori, can't wait. Should be a real fun weekend, I'm glad.
Had an AIM convo with Tori and we got into how and when we started to listen to music.
tori: well it went from braid and like cap njazz to like up up and deathcab yadda oh wow the screaming shit is off the hook..and bada bing bada boom me: Wow that was awesome.