I just got done with most likely my easiest exam ever. Way easy. It was like...all I had to do was load up stuff from before because the guy gave us the same assignments for exam that we had already done!
I was with Cait and her mom all day yesterday. I think her mom might actually like me now...lol, I had a lot of fun. I thought she was pretty bad but shes hilarious.
Anyway, I'm not ready for exams. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow at all!
Oh boy, lotsa studyin to do for exams this weekend. I have to read every Biology chapter. Damn it's going to suck! I have to do good on these exams. Last year, i got an A on every single one, i hope i can do that.
Anyway...I think im busy on saturday till saturday night. Erin? your house that night or what.