The negative voice says " Gods, why would anyone miss you, especially since it has been a day. Geez, you're not worth it." The little soft quiet one says "Who cares. I miss him. And want to be missed, too.."
Day is getting better and better. First the accident, then I have to confront a boss about time off, now I don't get to see my honey cause a snowstorm is on the way and it would be insane to try and make it there tonight.
Got in an accident today. No damage to either car. I tagged someone from behind. GOing no more than 15 mph, but the guy was kind of a jerk. Am all jittery and worried. I hope it passes soon.
I am online and this is my first LJ. None of my friends know of it, and it is doubtful anyone will read this except me. From comments I make and hints, someone may someday figure out that this is me. Until then, I will enjoy the anonymity.