-Garage sale will be Sat. 21st June, this year (fliers should be coming up after this weekend). -Everything will be for sale and can be bought. -Benji give me my god damn Thurston Moore book back when your band plays down here.
Does anyone want to put together a garage sale? I have a ton of: -Clothes -Bands Shirts -Books -Magazines
Normally I'd just give all my shit to Salvation Army but I can't imagine most of the people that shop there wanting to wear a size small Dinosaur Jr shirt. Plus I need to make a decent buck.
menimenimenimenimeni SAY WHAT menimenimenimenimeni SAY WHAT?! menimenimenimenimeni SAY WHAT?!?!?!?!?! menimenimenimenimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyeah.
To all my fellow January birthdays, Happy Birthday! I just looked at the calendar and realized how many of us there are, AND how all weird we are. Have a nice day.