Apollo Justice - FINISHED \:D/.
This should be done 2 days ago, but I'm just too lazy I'm up to my ears with exams T_T (When will this e~nds ;O;).
So where was I? Ah yeah, I believe somewhere around Phoenix's last trial.
Well, I must say I couldn't stand it at the end ;_;. Especially with exams coming and all, I can't stand to be emo ;_;. So after presenting that damned diary page, I decided to just click through like mad without reading the screen, without seeing anything, until the trial concludes and we move on to the MASON system. I decide I'll play back on it some time later, if I feel like it, or just read the script. (Seeing as people's reaction on the trial was rage on how Phoenix was so OOC, I think I made the right decision - emo is enough, I don't need more rage)
Anyway, with that out of the picture, the MASON thingy enters. I think it's pretty fun, and damn but I miss the Psycholocks. And it's also the first and only time I had to read the walkthrough for AJ also - I was stuck somewhere at presenting Valant the pistol - I thought it was a different kind of danger, okay 8"D"? And the game is so much better with the psyche-locks anyway - harder, more legwork, but more fun. The rest kinda goes on itself, but I must say the last trial is, well, so short. Probably because with the Jurist system, everything is much easier to conclude. That's one of the reasons I don't like it. It also messes up too much with the pov. And also, after reading some of the online discussion, I realized that this system may be even biased. I mean, the jury sees everything that Phoenix wants them to see. He may easily omit anything against him, if the problems arise (I know Phoenix would never do this, but I do believe I said some time before that I don't recognize Hobohodo as the Phoenix I know).
Vera's drawing is cute :"]. Did I mention that?
And I so feel for Valant. I mean, being an outcast, denied every chance, every dreams, even one small as having the silly poster on his new home. I was so awaiting to see what happened to him in the final credits, but nothing was said =___=''...What the heck are you thinking, Capcom?! And for some reasons, I never saw him as the murderer, but I guess I learned to expect anything with the AA series.
Kristoph's "Devil" is freaking scary, I had goose bumps when 'perceiving' his testimony.
Oh and, one more thing - albeit somewhat insignificant, I guess. I never remembered Phoenix telling people about his seeing Psyche-locks on them before, but now?! ...Damn awkward. It's been this way since Apollo just keeps spouting out his so-called 'observation' to the witness, and I guess it's just his characteristics (weird nonetheless, who's gonna believe it for evidence anyway?); but it's damn right strange with Phoenix.
That's pretty much my thoughts on the rest of Case 4 of Apollo Justice. And still, I kept my prior judgement of AJ: A fun game, pretty enjoyable, but doesn't hold a candle to the trilogy. Looking forward to Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations now \:D/.
Holiday's coming really near too, I guess I'm gonna replay the trilogy then. I played through GS2 and 3 too fast (can't stand the waiting 8"D), and I don't really remember much my impressions on it.