Hotaru no Hikari 2

Jul 17, 2010 17:33


My friend introduced me to the first season a (very long) while ago but I never got the chance to watch it properly until last month when I finished up my exams. And I just. There's no word to describe it except for totally falling head over heels for it. The comedy is GOLD and so is the story. The plot line's just exactly my type when it comes to romance and the chemistry between the actors are just. GUH. What's worse, there're too little to feed my addiction so I keep craving for more +__+.

Anyway, season 2 starts airing a week ago and here I thought my addiction can finally be satisfied. WRONG, oh how I was wrong. I practically couldn't do anything all of yesterday but keep checking the viikii site for the subs, and right now I can't stop myself from thinking about it. Doesn't help that the fandom is rather small and/or the manga (which the drama is based on) is already complete so I was afraid of being spoiled if I get in to deep. Effing frustration T___T". And as if waiting once a week for new One Piece chapters aren't already painful enough... I need something to distract me so that I won't - in my frustration - go read the spoilers. I saw where it is, I almost clicked on it, but you all know how I hate them spoilers.

I hardly ever watch dramas (but for my aforementioned friend I might have never) so I'm not sure what's considered the typical outcome. But I sure hope (wish, pray, whatever-fits, etc) - typical or not, because execution is WAY more important than originality - Buchou and Hotaru end up together *sigh*. Gosh what am I saying, I can't believe I'm actually supporting a hetero couple but srsly I don't even consider and like them as man and woman anyway I'm not making much sense now am I As the elders in my country say, "boredom surely leads to misdeeds", the more I think about it, the more surreal and impossible thoughts pop into my mind. Doesn't help that there's nothing for me to do these days except for lying around.

Enough rambling for now. At least I get some off of my chest. Off to rewatching ep.2~ And I may think of doing a review some time in the future. Yeah, some time.

[hotaru no hikari], [buchooo~ (is addicting)]

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